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Which is better: Gas or electricity? (1994)
Journal Article
Jankovic, L. (1994). Which is better: Gas or electricity?. Building Research and Information, 22(5), 261-268.

An important message from the presented results is that neither of the systems is better or worse. The suitability of gas and electric heating depends on the circumstances where these systems are applied. Both electricity and gas have advantages and... Read More about Which is better: Gas or electricity?.

Ultrabroad-bandwidth multifrequency Raman generation (1994)
Journal Article
Mcdonald, G., New, G., Losev, L., Lutsenko, A., & Shaw, M. (1994). Ultrabroad-bandwidth multifrequency Raman generation. Optics Letters, 19(18), 1400-1402.

We report on the modeling of transient stimulated rotational Raman scattering in H2 gas. We predict a multifrequency output, spanning a bandwidth greater than the pump frequency, that may be generated without any significant delay with respect to the... Read More about Ultrabroad-bandwidth multifrequency Raman generation.

The Scottish national party and the Italian lega nord: a lesson for their rivals? (1994)
Journal Article
Newell, J. (1994). The Scottish national party and the Italian lega nord: a lesson for their rivals?. European Journal of Political Research, 26(2), 135-153.

As European regional autonomy parties, the Scottish National Party and the Italian Lega Nord present important similarities in the way they appeal to voters. Both parties, too, have recently been favoured by very similar social and political changes.... Read More about The Scottish national party and the Italian lega nord: a lesson for their rivals?.

Pattern formation in a passive Kerr cavity (1994)
Journal Article
Scroggie, A., Firth, W., Mcdonald, G., Tlidi, M., Lefever, R., & Lugiato, L. (1994). Pattern formation in a passive Kerr cavity. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 4(8-9), 1323-1354.

Analytical and numerical investigations of a cavity containing a Kerr medium are reported. The mean field equation with plane-wave excitation and diffraction is assumed. Stable hexagons are dominant close to threshold for a self-focusing medium. B... Read More about Pattern formation in a passive Kerr cavity.

The effect of a foraging device (The ‘Edinburgh Foodball’) on the behaviour of pigs (1994)
Journal Article
Young, R., Carruthers, J., & Lawrence, A. (1994). The effect of a foraging device (The ‘Edinburgh Foodball’) on the behaviour of pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 39(3-4), 237-247.

Sows housed under conditions of food and physical restriction often perform behaviours indicative of poor welfare (e.g. repetitive chain chewing), one cause of which may be the inability of sows to express foraging behaviour under confined conditions... Read More about The effect of a foraging device (The ‘Edinburgh Foodball’) on the behaviour of pigs.

Review of Claude Muller (1991) La négation en français: syntaxe, sémantique et éléments de comparaison avec les autres langues romanes. (Publications romanes et françaises, vol. 198. Geneva: Droz.) (1994)
Journal Article
Rowlett, P. (1994). Review of Claude Muller (1991) La négation en français: syntaxe, sémantique et éléments de comparaison avec les autres langues romanes. (Publications romanes et françaises, vol. 198. Geneva: Droz.). Journal of French Language Studies, 4(1), 120-122.

Feeding behaviour of pigs in groups monitored by a computerized feeding system (1994)
Journal Article
Young, R., & Lawrence, A. (1994). Feeding behaviour of pigs in groups monitored by a computerized feeding system. Animal Science, 58(1), 145-152.

Electronic feeding systems for progeny testing pigs, allow selection to occur under conditions found on commercial farms. This paper reports on the feeding behaviour of six groups of 10 pigs, balanced for sex and initial body weight (mean starting an... Read More about Feeding behaviour of pigs in groups monitored by a computerized feeding system.

Dynsmics in canonical spin-glasses observed by muon spin depolarization (1994)
Journal Article
Campbell, I., Amato, A., Gygax, F., Herlach, D., Schenck, A., Cywinski, R., & Kilcoyne, S. (1994). Dynsmics in canonical spin-glasses observed by muon spin depolarization. Physical Review Letters, 72(8), 1291-1294.

Muon spin depolarization has been studied in moderately concentrated AgMn and AuFe alloys from the freezing temperature T-g up to 300 K. The muon depolarization function can be analyzed to show that the temperature dependence of the strongly nonexpon... Read More about Dynsmics in canonical spin-glasses observed by muon spin depolarization.

From English to formal specifications (1994)
Journal Article
Vadera, S., & Meziane, F. (1994). From English to formal specifications. Computer Journal, 37(9), 753-763.

Formal methods provide an approach in which design steps can be shown to satisfy a specification. However, if a formal specification is wrong, then although the design steps may satisfy the formal specification, they are unlikely to satisfy the requi... Read More about From English to formal specifications.

A review of expert systems for chromatography (1994)
Journal Article
Bryant, C., Adam, A., Taylor, D., & Rowe, R. (1994). A review of expert systems for chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta, 297(3), 317-347.

Expert systems for chromatography are reviewed. A taxonomy is proposed that allows present (and future) expert systems in this area to be classified and facilitates an understanding of their inter-relationship. All the systems are described focusing... Read More about A review of expert systems for chromatography.

The learning experience: student perceptions and evaluations (1994)
Journal Article
Stephen, P., & Burke, M. (1994). The learning experience: student perceptions and evaluations. Librarian Career Development, 2(3), 11-13.

Describes the library and information course at Manchester's Department of Library and Information Studies which has recently been updated to present the course as a crucial part of (not a prelude to) a career, and help students to decide on their ca... Read More about The learning experience: student perceptions and evaluations.

Creativity circles in information management (1994)
Journal Article
Burke, M. (1994). Creativity circles in information management. Librarian Career Development, 2(2), 8-12.

Based on the premiss that, as technology gradually takes over most of the clerical functions of management, the one function which computers and automation may never replicate is the creativity of the human mind. Examines the implications of the mana... Read More about Creativity circles in information management.

New attributes of seat dip attenuation (1994)
Journal Article
Davies, W., & Lam, Y. (1994). New attributes of seat dip attenuation. Applied Acoustics, 41(1), 1-23.

New measurements have been made on the low-frequency attenuation of an impulse excitation over-seating in an unoccupied concert hall and on scale model seats. Two new attributes of the phenomenon were found the attenuation varied over time and the wi... Read More about New attributes of seat dip attenuation.

Measuring auditorium seat absorption (1994)
Journal Article
Davies, W., Orlowski, R., & Lam, Y. (1994). Measuring auditorium seat absorption. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 96(2), 879-888.

There is a need for a more accurate laboratory measurement method to predict auditorium seat absorption. The traditional method tends to overpredict the absorption of the exposed front and sides of seating blocks. An alternative reverberation chamber... Read More about Measuring auditorium seat absorption.