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All Outputs (56)

Focus on grammatical form: explicit or implicit? (2002)
Journal Article
Etherington, S., & Burgess, J. (2002). Focus on grammatical form: explicit or implicit?. System, 30(4), 433-458.

Grammar teaching has been and continues to be an area of some controversy and debate have led to the emergence of a new classroom option for language teachers: that of Focus on Form (as opposed to Focus on Meaning or Focus on FormS). Against this bac... Read More about Focus on grammatical form: explicit or implicit?.

You are here: reading and representation in Christine Brooke-Rose's Thru (2002)
Journal Article
White, G. (2002). You are here: reading and representation in Christine Brooke-Rose's Thru.

Christine Brooke-Rose's Thru is a strikingly provocative postmodernist text. Instead of examining how Thru deconstructs fiction through the literary and linguistic theory that it includes, this essay looks at how theory—specifically Roman Jakobson's... Read More about You are here: reading and representation in Christine Brooke-Rose's Thru.

On non-overt specifiers (2002)
Journal Article
Rowlett, P. (2002). On non-overt specifiers

I consider non-overt specifiers, in particular two contexts in which they have been posited. First, SpecIP: in finite clauses in nullsubject languages, SpecIP is standardly assumed to be occupied by a null pronominal (little pro) (Rizzi 1982a). Secon... Read More about On non-overt specifiers.

The rise of new science epistemological, linguistic and ethical ideals and the lyric genre in the eighteenth century (2002)

This is the first work to study the relationship between the rise of science in the 17th and 18th centuries and the rise to major genre status of the lyric genre. It argues that the epistemological, linguistic, and methodological principles which und... Read More about The rise of new science epistemological, linguistic and ethical ideals and the lyric genre in the eighteenth century.

Design management: directions in UK education (2002)
Presentation / Conference
O'Brien, M. (2002, September). Design management: directions in UK education. Presented at 1st International Design Management Forum, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Chinese Joint Ventures & Implications for Design Management (2002)
Journal Article
Williams, A., & Zhang, X. (2002). Chinese Joint Ventures & Implications for Design Management. International journal of new product development & innovation management, 4(3), 213-230

Many Western and East Asian countries have found a 'haven' in China for those manufacturing industries losing their competitive edge. However, many western firms have lost millions trying to make in-roads into the sector. An increasingly confident br... Read More about Chinese Joint Ventures & Implications for Design Management.

The Algerian war and the French army 1954-62: experiences, images, testimonies (2002)
Alexander, M., Evans, M., & Keiger, J. (2002). The Algerian war and the French army 1954-62: experiences, images, testimonies. Palgrave Macmillan

The Algerian War 1954-62 was one of the most prolonged and violent examples of decolonization. At times horribly savage, it was an undeclared war in the sense that no formal declaration of hostilities was ever made. Bringing to an end one hundred and... Read More about The Algerian war and the French army 1954-62: experiences, images, testimonies.

'Vopo'-General Vincenz Mueller and Western Intelligence, 1948-54: CIC, the Gehlen Organization and Two Cold War Covert Operations (2002)
Journal Article
Searle, D. (2002). 'Vopo'-General Vincenz Mueller and Western Intelligence, 1948-54: CIC, the Gehlen Organization and Two Cold War Covert Operations. Intelligence and National Security, 17(2), 27-50.

This article describes an attempt by the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) to bring about the defection of former Wehrmacht General Vincenz Müller from Eastern Germany (1948-50). While this covert operation failed, it provided a prelude to Ope... Read More about 'Vopo'-General Vincenz Mueller and Western Intelligence, 1948-54: CIC, the Gehlen Organization and Two Cold War Covert Operations.

Relative degrees of fluency: a comparative case study of advanced learners of French (2002)
Journal Article
Towell, R. (2002). Relative degrees of fluency: a comparative case study of advanced learners of French. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 40(2), 117-150.

This article examines whether, how and why oral fluency develops at different rates amongst undergraduate learners of French. Twelve subjects were asked to undertake two tasks during their course. The results show that some learners attain higher abs... Read More about Relative degrees of fluency: a comparative case study of advanced learners of French.