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Eigenmode analysis of optical propagation in large-scale subwavelength periodic nanostructures (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Summary form only given. We describe a method for rigorously computing the mode characteristics of a periodic nanostructure, and its application to the accurate design of composite optical materials and novel optical devices. In a form-birefringent n... Read More about Eigenmode analysis of optical propagation in large-scale subwavelength periodic nanostructures.

Uncloaking the magician: Contributions of comparative psychology to understanding animal training (2002)
Journal Article
Young, R. (2002). Uncloaking the magician: Contributions of comparative psychology to understanding animal training. #Journal not on list, 15(2),

The training of animals is an ancient anthropogenic process; however, it was not until the birth of comparative psychology, as a science, that the mysterious ways of the animal trainer were formally explained. In this review I will discuss the contri... Read More about Uncloaking the magician: Contributions of comparative psychology to understanding animal training.

The foundations of lean construction (2002)
Book Chapter

Looks at a broad range of topics related to the processes of design and construction. Its overall aim is to look at ways that clients can improve the value for money outcomes of their decisions to construct buildings.

The effect of non-magnetic, Cr-rich CoCrPt intermediate and spacer layers on the magnetic properties and microstructure of CoCrPt thin films (2002)
Journal Article
Almas-kashi, M., Grundy, P., Jones, G., Hadgaran, H., & Zhao, X. (2002). The effect of non-magnetic, Cr-rich CoCrPt intermediate and spacer layers on the magnetic properties and microstructure of CoCrPt thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35(23), 3041-3048.

The effect of non-magnetic Cr-rich CoCrPt intermediate (X) and spacer (Y) layers on the magnetic and microstructural properties of CoCrPt/X/Cr and CoCrPt/Y/CoCrPt/X/Cr multilayers has been investigated. Significant increases in coercivity of the orde... Read More about The effect of non-magnetic, Cr-rich CoCrPt intermediate and spacer layers on the magnetic properties and microstructure of CoCrPt thin films.

Finite element modelling of stress development during deposition of ion assisted coatings (2002)
Journal Article
Ward, D., & Arnell, R. (2002). Finite element modelling of stress development during deposition of ion assisted coatings. Thin Solid Films, 420-42, 269-274.

Ion assisted physical vapour deposited (IAPVD) films typically have a high state of residual stress. This residual stress comprises two components: a thermal stress, which forms as the system cools to room temperature; and an intrinsic stress which i... Read More about Finite element modelling of stress development during deposition of ion assisted coatings.

Region-dependent modulation of intestinal permeability by drug efflux transporters: In vitro studies in mdr1a(-/-) mouse intestine (2002)
Journal Article
Stephens, R., Tanianis-Hughes, J., Higgs, N., Humphrey, M., & Warhurst, G. (2002). Region-dependent modulation of intestinal permeability by drug efflux transporters: In vitro studies in mdr1a(-/-) mouse intestine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 303(3), 1095-1101.

Information on the extent to which xenobiotics interact with P-glycoprotein (PGP) during transit through the intestine is crucial in determining the influence of PGP on oral drug absorption. We have recently described a novel use of isolated ileum fr... Read More about Region-dependent modulation of intestinal permeability by drug efflux transporters: In vitro studies in mdr1a(-/-) mouse intestine.

Judicial approaches to contested causation: Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services in context (2002)
Journal Article
Miller, C. (2002). Judicial approaches to contested causation: Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services in context. Law, Probability and Risk, 1(2), 119-139.

The decision of the House of Lords in Fairchild v. Glenhaven Funeral Services raises important questions about the compensation of employees for occupational injury. In Fairchild, the principal issue was whether an employee could recover where he cou... Read More about Judicial approaches to contested causation: Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services in context.

The future of urban sociology : report of joint sessions of the British and American Sociological Associations (2002)
Journal Article
Perry, B., & Harding, A. (2002). The future of urban sociology : report of joint sessions of the British and American Sociological Associations. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 26(4), 844-853.

This article reports on two joint sessions of the British and American Sociological Associations held during the course of 2001 as a first step toward more structured dialogue and debate between the two national associations. Drawing on the comments... Read More about The future of urban sociology : report of joint sessions of the British and American Sociological Associations.

Regulation and academic production (2002)
Presentation / Conference
May, T. (2002, December). Regulation and academic production. Presented at Universities, the Knowledge Economy and Regional Development, Austria

The preferred initial time delay gap and inter-aural cross correlation for a Javanese gamelan performance hall (2002)
Journal Article
Sarwono, J., & Lam, Y. (2002). The preferred initial time delay gap and inter-aural cross correlation for a Javanese gamelan performance hall. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 258(3), 451-461.

This paper discusses the application of a method based on human subjective preference to the acoustic design of a Javanese gamelan performance hall. Some important distinctions between Javanese gamelan ensembles and Western classical orchestra are th... Read More about The preferred initial time delay gap and inter-aural cross correlation for a Javanese gamelan performance hall.

Investigation and assessment of attitudes to and perceptions of the built environments in NHS Trust hospitals (2002)
Journal Article
Todd, S., Steele, A., Douglas, C., & Douglas, M. (2002). Investigation and assessment of attitudes to and perceptions of the built environments in NHS Trust hospitals. Structural survey, 20(5), 182-188.

This study investigated the perceptions and attendant behavioural attitudes of stakeholders, including patients and visitors, to the built environments and supporting facilities provided by an NHS trust hospital. The study used a variety of methodolo... Read More about Investigation and assessment of attitudes to and perceptions of the built environments in NHS Trust hospitals.

Urban ecological security : a new paradigm? (2002)
Presentation / Conference
Hodson, M., & Marvin, S. (2002, November). Urban ecological security : a new paradigm?. Presented at Planning for a Low Carbon City, Cape Town

Measurement of 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (2002)
Journal Article
Podmore, I. (2002). Measurement of 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Chemical Research, 574-575.

Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry has allowed quantitative measurement of a stable nitroxide, 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl (4-hydr... Read More about Measurement of 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry.

Investigating the acceptability of computer based training for local authority health and safety enforcement officer training (2002)
Journal Article
Murphy, R., Ford, N., & Casstles, H. (2002). Investigating the acceptability of computer based training for local authority health and safety enforcement officer training

In 1996 the Health and Safety Commission issued guidance to Local Authorities which included a requirement that they had a trained and competent inspectorate. Considerable interpretative skills are required in the implementation and enforcement of he... Read More about Investigating the acceptability of computer based training for local authority health and safety enforcement officer training.