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Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network (2021)
Journal Article
Abubakar Mas’ud, A., Jamal, A., Adewusi, S., & Sundaram, A. (2021). Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 12(3), 1900-1911.

In this paper, the artificial neural network (ANN) has been utilized for rotating machinery faults detection and classification. First, experiments were performed to measure the lateral vibration signals of laboratory test rigs for rotor-disk-blade w... Read More about Rotating blade faults classification of a rotor-disk-blade system using artificial neural network.

Ensemble Deep Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Mohammadi, A., & Shaverizade, A. (2021). Ensemble Deep Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. #Journal not on list, 12, 29-38.

Sentiment analysis is a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which tries to process a text to extract opinions or attitudes towards topics or entities. Recently, the use of deep learning methods for sentiment analysis has received noticeable... Read More about Ensemble Deep Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis.

Why were COVID-19 infections lower than expected amongst people who are homeless in London, UK in 2020? Exploring community perspectives and the multiple pathways of health inequalities in pandemics (2021)
Journal Article

High rates of COVID-19 infections and deaths amongst people who are homeless in London, UK were feared. Rates
however stayed much lower than expected throughout 2020; an experience that compares to other settings
globally. This study sought a commu... Read More about Why were COVID-19 infections lower than expected amongst people who are homeless in London, UK in 2020? Exploring community perspectives and the multiple pathways of health inequalities in pandemics.

A comparative assessment of two tools designed to support patient safety culture in UK general practice (2021)
Journal Article
Litchfield, I., Marsden, K., Doos, L., Perryman, K., Avery, A., & Greenfield, S. (2021). A comparative assessment of two tools designed to support patient safety culture in UK general practice. BMC Family Practice, 22,

The NHS has recognised the importance of a high quality patient safety culture in the delivery of primary health care in the rapidly evolving environment of general practice. Two tools, PC-SafeQuest and MapSaf, were developed with the int... Read More about A comparative assessment of two tools designed to support patient safety culture in UK general practice.

Borderline personality traits in attractive women and wealthy low attractive men are relatively favoured by the opposite sex (2021)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A. E., Dunn, T. J., & Sumich, A. (2021). Borderline personality traits in attractive women and wealthy low attractive men are relatively favoured by the opposite sex. Personality and Individual Differences, 169,

Men and women reliably differ on the importance of certain criteria when considering romantic relationships. From an evolutionary perspective that explains sex differences in mating effort and parental investment, men should prioritise attractiveness... Read More about Borderline personality traits in attractive women and wealthy low attractive men are relatively favoured by the opposite sex.

Using qualitative technique analysis to evaluate and develop technique of agility actions with your athletes (2021)
Journal Article
technique of agility actions with your athletes. Professional strength & conditioning, 25-33

An important element of developing agility with athletes is to evaluate technique in
performing actions associated with match play. For practitioners it is important to understand
what the key elements of ideal movement technique are to enhance per... Read More about Using qualitative technique analysis to evaluate and develop technique of agility actions with your athletes.

The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’? (2021)
Journal Article
Krishnamoorthy, B., & Britton, C. R. (2022). The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’?. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 32(12), 368-378.

The reduction of junior doctors’ working hours over the last two decades paved the way to non-medical practitioners providing care traditionally discharged by surgeons and other medics. These registered practitioners play a vital role in the care of... Read More about The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’?.

The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison (2021)
Journal Article
Irfan, L., Quraishi, M., Schneuwly Purdie, M., & Wilkinson, M. (2022). The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison. Journal of Critical Realism, 21(2), 145-169.

This paper suggests philosophical foundations for mixed methods research based on the philosophy of critical realism. In particular, it suggests that the critical realist idea of the primacy of ontology helps bridge the apparent paradigmatic gap betw... Read More about The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison.

Predicting the role of touchless technologies within diagnostic radiography : results of an international survey (2021)
Journal Article

The evolution of technology within healthcare is continuing at a rapid rate. Touchless technologies (i.e. those involving gestures and voice commands) are rapidly being integrated into daily life. The aim of this study was to investigat... Read More about Predicting the role of touchless technologies within diagnostic radiography : results of an international survey.

A cross-sectional analysis of the muscle strength, spinal shrinkage, and recovery during a working day of military police officers (2021)
Journal Article
Hoflinger, F., Rodacki, A. L. F., Tavares, J. M., Fadel Neto, M. I., Paulo, A. C., Fowler, N. E., & Rodacki, C. L. N. (2021). A cross-sectional analysis of the muscle strength, spinal shrinkage, and recovery during a working day of military police officers. Journal of occupational health, 63(1), e12297.

Objective: Military personnel has a large prevalence of back pain, especially those involved in patrolling routines, as they wear heavy protective equipment. Patrolling includes long periods of sustaining the protective equipment in a sitting or in a... Read More about A cross-sectional analysis of the muscle strength, spinal shrinkage, and recovery during a working day of military police officers.

Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility (2021)
Journal Article
Grant, A., & Cassidy, S. (2022). Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 23, 144-150.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions aim to increase psychological flexibility (PF) leading to positive treatment outcomes. It has been suggested that successful development of PF may depend on cognitive flexibility (CF), however the... Read More about Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility.

Development of an optimised physiotherapist-led treatment protocol for lateral elbow tendinopathy: a consensus study using an online nominal group technique (2021)
Journal Article
Bateman, M., Saunders, B., Littlewood, C., & Hill, {. C. (2021). Development of an optimised physiotherapist-led treatment protocol for lateral elbow tendinopathy: a consensus study using an online nominal group technique. BMJ Open, 11, 1--8.

OBJECTIVES: There are a wide range of physiotherapy treatment options for people with lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET); however, previous studies have reported inconsistent approaches to treatment and a lack of evidence demonstrating clinical effecti... Read More about Development of an optimised physiotherapist-led treatment protocol for lateral elbow tendinopathy: a consensus study using an online nominal group technique.

Thermographic detection of hidden archaeological features in a Cheshire thatched cottage, and related aspects of thermal performance : case study at Roadside Cottage (2021)
Journal Article

Thermography can be an important tool for professionals working with traditional buildings. It is recognised by Historic England as providing information on a variety of structural features within buildings. Infrared thermography (IRT) is an acknowle... Read More about Thermographic detection of hidden archaeological features in a Cheshire thatched cottage, and related aspects of thermal performance : case study at Roadside Cottage.