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All Outputs (77)

Arsenic Contamination in Rice and the Possible Mitigation Options (2022)
Book Chapter
Sengupta, S., Roychowdhury, T., Phonglosa, A., & Mandal, J. (2022). Arsenic Contamination in Rice and the Possible Mitigation Options. . Springer.

Arsenic (As) in food poses a major threat to human health. Aside from drinking water, rice consumption is the principal route for As to enter the body. Due to the large population density in Asian countries, such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and C... Read More about Arsenic Contamination in Rice and the Possible Mitigation Options.

Distribution of Arsenic in Rice Grain from West Bengal, India: Its Relevance to Geographical Origin, Variety, Cultivars and Cultivation Season (2022)
Book Chapter

Groundwater arsenic contamination has been a staggering issue for the last 45 years. When the contaminated water is used for irrigational activities, the problem aggravates. Bengal delta is mainly reliant on rice as the staple diet and its cultivatio... Read More about Distribution of Arsenic in Rice Grain from West Bengal, India: Its Relevance to Geographical Origin, Variety, Cultivars and Cultivation Season.

Mechanical inelasticity (2022)
Book Chapter
Wilkie, I., & Diddams, N. (2022). Mechanical inelasticity. In J. Gray, & L. Trahair (Eds.), Second Nature: Comic Performance and Philosophy (270). Rowman & Littlefield

Bergson’s concept of ‘mechanical inelasticity’ from Laughter (1900) has become a staple of comic theory. We consider whether this idea retains any resonance for the twenty-first century comic spectator. Locating the theory as originally, and specific... Read More about Mechanical inelasticity.

The New Left and Social Work (2022)
Book Chapter
Cummins, I. (2022). The New Left and Social Work. In S. Webb (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of International Critical Social Work. Taylor and Francis

The New Left is a term that is applied to a group of intellectuals and academics that emerged in the UK in the late 1950s and 1960s. The group sought to develop a new political perspective. The Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 meant that several me... Read More about The New Left and Social Work.

Digital Health Technologies (2022)
Book Chapter
Griffiths, M., Scragg, B., Stein-Hodgins, J. R., & Ure, C. (2022). Digital Health Technologies. In Digital Mammography a Holistic Approach (165-175). (second). Springer.

Learning Objectives
• Recognise and understand the digital
health and social media landscape for
• Recognise the appropriateness of the
different platforms/social media for
health promotion in breast screening
• Understand how so... Read More about Digital Health Technologies.

Psychological Considerations When Attending for Mammography Screening (2022)
Book Chapter
Pearson, A., & Weinberg, A. (2022). Psychological Considerations When Attending for Mammography Screening. In Digital Mammography. Springer.

The pandemic led to a pause in routine breast screening in the UK, with up to one million not being offered appointments (Breast Cancer Now, Almost one million women in UK miss vital breast screening due to COVID-19, 2022). However, according to a Nu... Read More about Psychological Considerations When Attending for Mammography Screening.

Imaging Persons Living with Dementia (2022)
Book Chapter
Spacey, A., Higgins, R., & Scragg, B. (2022). Imaging Persons Living with Dementia. In C. Mercer, P. Hogg, & J. Kelly (Eds.), Digital Mammography. Springer.

This chapter provides evidence-based guidance for practitioners to support them when imaging persons living with dementia. This is important given the current lack of specific guidelines and the increasing prevalence of women living with dementia att... Read More about Imaging Persons Living with Dementia.

Practical Mammography (2022)
Book Chapter
Mercer, C., Szczepura, K., Hill, C., Kinnear, L., & Smith, H. (2022). Practical Mammography. In Digital Mammography A Holistic Approach (295-307). Springer, Cham

Positioning for a mammogram requires skill and expertise. This chapter considers the requirements of a practitioner to employ accurate and reproducible positioning techniques whilst applying appropriate and effective compression. This chapter also il... Read More about Practical Mammography.

‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910) (2022)
Book Chapter
Barnes, E. (2022). ‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910). In Marginalized Women and Work in 20th and 21st-Century British and American Literature and Media. Rowman & Littlefield

Climate change information sources (2022)
Book Chapter
Adetayo, A., Abata-Ebire, B., & Oladipo, Y. (2022). Climate change information sources. In Climate Change, World Consequences, and the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (73-88). IGI Global.

This study sought to investigate the relationship between climate change information sources, fact-checking, and attitude among students at Adeleke University. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study using a questionnaire. The data were... Read More about Climate change information sources.

Sensing Materials: Carbon Materials (2022)
Book Chapter
Ferrari, A., Crapnell, R., & Banks, C. (2022). Sensing Materials: Carbon Materials. . Elsevier.

Carbon materials, from their traditional forms such as graphite or carbon black, to the more novel forms such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, graphene oxide (GO), and their variants have been used extensively transducer elements for sensing pla... Read More about Sensing Materials: Carbon Materials.