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All Outputs (105)

Innovative drilling muds for High Pressure and High Temperature (HPHT) condition using a novel nanoparticle for petroleum engineering systems (2022)
Martin, C. Innovative drilling muds for High Pressure and High Temperature (HPHT) condition using a novel nanoparticle for petroleum engineering systems. (Thesis). University of Salford

The negative environmental impacts of drilling muds, particularly oil-based muds, are a cause for concern to regulators and governments worldwide. As a result, rules regarding the discharge and disposal of drilling muds have tightened globally. Recen... Read More about Innovative drilling muds for High Pressure and High Temperature (HPHT) condition using a novel nanoparticle for petroleum engineering systems.

Changes in morphological disparity in eutherian mammals across the K-Pg boundary and Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum using discrete morphofunctional characters (2022)
morphofunctional characters. (Dissertation). University of Salford

The mammalian clade Eutheria comprises placental mammals (the dominant group of mammals today, with >6000 living species, ~93% of living diversity) plus their stem relatives. A major event in Earth history that had a profound influence on Eutheria wa... Read More about Changes in morphological disparity in eutherian mammals across the K-Pg boundary and Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum using discrete morphofunctional characters.

Podiatrists’ and orthotists’ views and experiences of using plantar pressure measurement in the assessment and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome (2022)

Background: The measurement of plantar pressure is recommended as a clinical tool for risk assessment, prevention and treatment of diabetic foot ulceration. To first assess comprehensively the available evidence on the use of plantar pressure assessm... Read More about Podiatrists’ and orthotists’ views and experiences of using plantar pressure measurement in the assessment and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome.

Characterisation of inflammatory mediators in ischaemic heart disease (2022)
Borun, A. Characterisation of inflammatory mediators in ischaemic heart disease. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most common causes of death in general population. In the UK it accounts for 64000 deaths annually and there are currently 2.3 million people living with CAD. Persistent inflammation of myocardium is believ... Read More about Characterisation of inflammatory mediators in ischaemic heart disease.

A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work (2022)
Bowes, E. A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study aimed to explore how the experiences of working in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools impacts the psychological wellbeing of pastoral staff. Psychological wellbeing is a complex concept, widely used in the litera... Read More about A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work.

DeepClean: a robust deep learning approach for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy (2022)
Adeboye, O. DeepClean: a robust deep learning approach for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy. (Thesis). University of Salford

Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) generate several forms of tracking data, such as geolocation, distance, and camera data. The utility of these data, especially camera data for computer vision projects, has contributed to the advancement of high-performance... Read More about DeepClean: a robust deep learning approach for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy.

Coordination of development and operations activities in agile software development (2022)
Macarthy, R. Coordination of development and operations activities in agile software development. (Thesis). University of Salford

DevOps is described as a software engineering culture and philosophy that utilises cross-functional teams, to build test and release software faster and more reliably through automation. As an emerging concept, its definitions and best practices are... Read More about Coordination of development and operations activities in agile software development.

The role of serum biomarkers and oxidative stress in Ischemic Heart Disease (2022)
Riley, C. The role of serum biomarkers and oxidative stress in Ischemic Heart Disease. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Ischemic heart disease also referred to as coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of death worldwide. The primary pathological mechanism underlying CAD is atherosclerosis, an inflammatory process associated with an accumulation of lipids an... Read More about The role of serum biomarkers and oxidative stress in Ischemic Heart Disease.

The effect of active prophage carriage on the virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2022)
Plahe, G. The effect of active prophage carriage on the virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (Dissertation). University of Salford

The Liverpool epidemic strain (LES) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a key opportunistic pathogen and major cause of death in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. The bacterium establishes biofilm communities, contributing to immune evasion and adaptation to t... Read More about The effect of active prophage carriage on the virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

A strategy for stakeholder engagement in public private partnership urban infrastructure provision in Nigeria (2022)
Usman, B. A strategy for stakeholder engagement in public private partnership urban infrastructure provision in Nigeria. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis examines how external stakeholders are engaged in Public Private Partnership Urban Infrastructure Projects. The study aims to develop a framework to improve stakeholder engagement in the delivery of PPP urban infrastructure projects in Ni... Read More about A strategy for stakeholder engagement in public private partnership urban infrastructure provision in Nigeria.

Developing an alternative method to determine the heat transfer coefficients of dwellings in warmer climates (2022)

Whole house heat loss test methods are used to determine the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) of dwellings. Having reliable methods of measuring as-built performance makes it possible to improve the energy efficiency of dwellings, aiding in the global... Read More about Developing an alternative method to determine the heat transfer coefficients of dwellings in warmer climates.

An exploration of mentorship as a resource for knowledge sharing in the built environment (2022)
Lester, E. (in press). An exploration of mentorship as a resource for knowledge sharing in the built environment. (Thesis). University of Salford

As a major source of employment – 7.523 million or 5.03% of the total employment of the United States – the built environment remains mired in challenges, foremost among them the loss of knowledge as experienced professionals age out of the industry.... Read More about An exploration of mentorship as a resource for knowledge sharing in the built environment.

Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism (2022)
Findlay, J. Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis presents a critical analysis of the UK government’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM), which supposedly exists to identify and support victims of ‘modern slavery and human trafficking’ (MSHT). Critical scholarship on MSHT has argued that... Read More about Putting the 'Slave' in 'Anti-Slavery': A Critical Analysis of the UK National Referral Mechanism.

Role of nanoparticle size and shape in the design and characterisation of functional nanomaterials for applications in cancer nanotechnology (2022)
applications in cancer nanotechnology. (Thesis). University of Salford

Gold nanoparticles are emerging novel theranostic agents with numerous applications as
diagnostic and therapeutic tools owing to their unique optical properties and highly
customisable surface chemistry, which allows for the careful design of perso... Read More about Role of nanoparticle size and shape in the design and characterisation of functional nanomaterials for applications in cancer nanotechnology.

Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India (2022)
Suman, S. Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India. (Thesis). University of Salford

Background: Arsenic contamination of groundwater and food has become a challenging public health problem in the world. This study is a part of the UK-India bilateral project NutriSAM (2017-2020) and includes a population-based household survey in ars... Read More about Evaluation of socioeconomic and nutritional status in an arsenic-exposed population of Bihar, India.

A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework (2022)
Emthyas, A. A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework. (Dissertation). University of Salford

As sound propagates within a room, it experiences high-order reflection, diffraction, and scattering. This causes the reflection density to increase over time, such that the sound field becomes diffuse and chaotic. Under these conditions, there is li... Read More about A 'Surface-based' Geometrical Acoustic formulation within a Galerkin Boundary Element framework.

Local and landscape scale effects of fragmentation on aerial insectivorous bats in the Amazon (2022)
Rowley, S. Local and landscape scale effects of fragmentation on aerial insectivorous bats in the Amazon. (Dissertation). The University of Salford

Deforestation is the main driver of the biodiversity crisis. Resulting landscapes are left fragmented with isolated remnant forest patches embedded in a human-modified matrix which has the propensity to regenerate into successional forest. The Biolog... Read More about Local and landscape scale effects of fragmentation on aerial insectivorous bats in the Amazon.