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All Outputs (39)

Starting Well Project Evaluation (2023)
Lythgoe, J., & Cameron, H. (2023). Starting Well Project Evaluation. University of Salford: Homestart

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the impact of the Starting Well Project
delivered by Home-Start Manchester (HSM) & Home-Start Trafford, Salford &
Wigan (HSTSW) with funding from the government’s Health & Wellbeing Fund
2020-21. This pilo... Read More about Starting Well Project Evaluation.

A-Weighting for All? Acoustic Assessment for an Aurally Diverse Population (2023)
Scanlan, J., & Davies, W. (2023). A-Weighting for All? Acoustic Assessment for an Aurally Diverse Population. London: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

1. The aim of this report is to review whether A-Weighting accurately represents the hearing of the whole UK population, to explore the consequences if it does not, and to make recommendations for future research to address the problems identified.... Read More about A-Weighting for All? Acoustic Assessment for an Aurally Diverse Population.

Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & College of Paediatrics and Child Health, R. (2023). Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

In November 2023, we responded to the Government's consultation on the introduction of Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse. This followed our response in August 2023 to the Government's call for evidence on Mandatory Reporting. We were disappoi... Read More about Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023.

Unlocking Resource Efficiency. Phase 1 Construction Report (2023)
(2023). Unlocking Resource Efficiency. Phase 1 Construction Report. HM Government (DESNZ & DEFRA)

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero commissioned a research project to explore the potential benefits from increasing resource efficiency in the UK. This research was carried out in collaboration with the Department for Environment, Food... Read More about Unlocking Resource Efficiency. Phase 1 Construction Report.

Your Home Better Customer Research (2023)
Sherriff, G. (2023). Your Home Better Customer Research. Salford: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) wished to gain insights into issues that might be affecting uptake of their Your Home Better (YHB) programme of support for householders interested in making energy efficiency improvements to their homes.... Read More about Your Home Better Customer Research.

RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & Raffeeq, Z. (2023). RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Our knowledge
Changes to consent guidance for Child Protection medicals: We have strengthened our guidance on obtaining consent for Child Protection medicals. This will be uploaded to the child protection companion shortly.

Guidelines for Initia... Read More about RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023.

Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 2: Conclusions and recommendations) (2023)
Lotinga, M. J. B., Lewis, T., Powlson, J., & Berry, B. (2023). Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 2: Conclusions and recommendations). Bristol: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

This article is based on content from the project report 'A review of noise guidance for onshore wind turbines', which presented the results of a research study commissioned by the UK Government Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (... Read More about Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 2: Conclusions and recommendations).

Games, Gambling and Generation Z: Disruptive approaches to awareness of gambling harms - A practical guide to implementation (2023)

Game On was a project that aimed to increase awareness and evaluate the impacts of gambling for communities in Salford, specifically for 16-21-year-olds who are identified as being at risk. The normalisation of gambling is leading to an increasing fr... Read More about Games, Gambling and Generation Z: Disruptive approaches to awareness of gambling harms - A practical guide to implementation.

Getting around Leigh: Social research with older and disabled people (2023)
Sherriff, G., & Cookson, I. (2023). Getting around Leigh: Social research with older and disabled people. Salford: Transport for Greater Manchester

There are many reasons for those who make decisions about neighbourhoods to be interested in transport and mobility. People rely on transport provision to get around. Whether crossing the city to get to work or making a quick trip on foot to the loca... Read More about Getting around Leigh: Social research with older and disabled people.

Submission Of Evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee - Scientific Age Assessment Statutory Instruments (2023)
Rowland, A., & Fussey, E. Submission Of Evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee - Scientific Age Assessment Statutory Instruments. London, UK: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

This document presents evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee in relation to the following Statutory Instruments:

1. The Justification Decision (Scientific Age Imaging) Regulations 2023; and

2. The Immigration (Age Assessment)... Read More about Submission Of Evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee - Scientific Age Assessment Statutory Instruments.

A review of noise guidance for onshore wind turbines (2023)
Lotinga, M., Lewis, T., & Powlson, J. (2023). A review of noise guidance for onshore wind turbines. Bristol: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

WSP’s acoustics team worked closely with a steering group including BEIS, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government, and the Nor... Read More about A review of noise guidance for onshore wind turbines.

COVID Sex Lives: Race and Ethnicity in Focus (2023)
Merrick, R. K., Light, B., Garwood-Cross, L., & Moore, K. (in press). COVID Sex Lives: Race and Ethnicity in Focus. University of Salford

Race and ethnicity shaped the experiences of men who have sex with
men (MSM) in the United Kingdom during the pandemic. This Covid Sex Lives In Focus Report delves deeper into social aspects that emerged from our findings. Key points in this report... Read More about COVID Sex Lives: Race and Ethnicity in Focus.

Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 1: Introductory project overview) (2023)
J B Lotinga, M., Lewis, T., Powlson, J., & Berry, B. (2023). Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 1: Introductory project overview). Bristol: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

Onshore wind is recognised as one of the lowest-cost sources of renewable electricity generation. A sustained growth in capacity is also seen as a key enabler of the UK government’s commitment to deliver a net zero economy by 2050.

Using our expe... Read More about Onshore wind turbine noise: A review of the current guidance framework for the UK Government (Part 1: Introductory project overview).

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & Paediatrics and Child Health, R. C. O. (2023). Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023. London, UK: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

RCPCH is asking the government to consider five key points before considering whether a mandatory reporting duty is best for children in England and Wales:

1. All types of child abuse much fall under any mandatory reporting duty
2. A children’s r... Read More about Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023.

Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot (2023)
Hepburn, P., & Brettle, A. (2023). Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot. Salford: Salford Clinical Commissioning Group

The purpose of this project was to customise, deploy and
evaluate an App to support the self-management of longterm conditions using Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as a case
exemplar. The App in question was a mature, CE-marked
product. The project w... Read More about Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot.

Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit (2023)
Brettle, A., Hepburn, P., Chapman, C., & Rog, D. (2023). Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit. Salford: Salford Integrated Care Service

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide a ‘how to’
manual for projects which aim to engage patients
in co-creating and implementing Apps for the
self-management of long-term conditions.
The toolkit is based on experience gained
together wi... Read More about Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit.