This study delves into a crucial issue in Northern Nigeria, focusing on the challenges of unemployment and the dearth of skilled labour, particularly among youth and women. The research evaluates the efficacy of the Click-On Kaduna Programme (COKP),... Read More about The CLICK -on Kaduna Programme: A Critical Evaluation of the Role of Digital Skills Acquisitions in Human Capital Development & Income Creation in Nigeria..
Prof Marie Griffiths' Outputs (8)
The transformation to Industry 4.0 for sustained competitive advantage: Case studies of dynamic multinational corporations (2024)
The transformation to Industry 4.0 for sustained competitive advantage: Case studies of dynamic multinational corporations
Many historians credit the origins of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century to Great Britain, which transfor... Read More about The transformation to Industry 4.0 for sustained competitive advantage: Case studies of dynamic multinational corporations.
A framework of routines and capabilities that support capacity raising and development of innovative products and services within the digital business sector: exploring seen and obscure dimensions of the innovation processes of small and medium sized enterprises through the lens of Activity Theory (2022)
dimensions of the innovation processes of small and medium sized enterprises through the lens of Activity Theory. (Thesis). University of Salford
Investigating the brand image of Nigeria and its implication for marketing this country as a tourism destination: UK perspective (2022)
Jida, N. Investigating the brand image of Nigeria and its implication for marketing this country as a tourism destination: UK perspective. (Thesis). University of SalfordRecently, there has been an increase in studies on branding and tourism consumer destinations. These studies identify the major brand-related factors or the key reasons for destination choice among tourists, but these studies are Euro-American-centri... Read More about Investigating the brand image of Nigeria and its implication for marketing this country as a tourism destination: UK perspective.
Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria (2021)
Oginni, E. A. Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria. (Thesis). University of SalfordThe shift from the male-breadwinner model to the dual career couples has led to widespread
discussions around work-life balance, particularly for women due to an increased likelihood
of managing caring commitments and domestic work. Despite extensi... Read More about Work-Life Balance and Women Academics in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of UK and Nigeria.
To remain competitive in the ongoing rapid transformation in the industry, technology-based small firms (TBSFs) have been establishing partnerships with universities for knowledge transfer to complement their limitations in terms of knowledge, skill... Read More about A study on the implication of knowledge transfer and social capital on fostering innovation within the partnership between universities and Technology-Based Small Firms (TBSFs).
According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA, 2020), In 2018-19, the amount of student enrolments domiciled from China reached 115,435, 32% of non-UK domiciled students for their first year studies come from China. Despite the trend of m... Read More about To identify issues that impact upon the acculturation and adaptation of Chinese Mandarin-speaking students taking undergraduate studies in British business schools.
Investigating cybercriminals in Nigeria : a comparative study
Bello, M. (in press). Investigating cybercriminals in Nigeria : a comparative study. (Thesis). University of SalfordThe evolution of the Internet amidst a rapidly growing global economy has created a completely new environment in which traditional crime prospers. Equally the convergence of computing and communication has changed the way we live, communicate and co... Read More about Investigating cybercriminals in Nigeria : a comparative study.