Against all odds, from all-girls schools to all-boys workplaces : women's unsuspecting trajectory into the UK ICT sector
Book Chapter
Griffiths, M., & Richardson, H. (2010). Against all odds, from all-girls schools to all-boys workplaces : women's unsuspecting trajectory into the UK ICT sector. In S. Booth, S. Goodman, & G. Kirkup (Eds.), Gender Issues in Learning and Working with Information Technology (99-112). IGI Global.
The trend of women being severely under-represented in the UK ICT sector persists. Girls continue, year in year out, to excel in academia whilst initiatives are put in place to challenge the gender employment gap in IT professions. As part of a large... Read More about Against all odds, from all-girls schools to all-boys workplaces : women's unsuspecting trajectory into the UK ICT sector.