Numerical study of dissipative SW/MWCNT-nanofluid coating flow from a stretching wall to a porous medium with shape factor effects
Journal Article
Waqas, M., Kausar, M. S., Anwar Bég, O., Kuharat, S., Khan, W. A., Shukhratovich Abdullaev, S., & Fadhl, B. M. (2023). Numerical study of dissipative SW/MWCNT-nanofluid coating flow from a stretching wall to a porous medium with shape factor effects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
A mathematical model is developed for incompressible steady-state dissipative CNT-aqueous nanofluid boundary layer flow from a stretching sheet to a saturated isotropic porous medium. Three different CNT shapes (spheres, blades and platelets) are con... Read More about Numerical study of dissipative SW/MWCNT-nanofluid coating flow from a stretching wall to a porous medium with shape factor effects.