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Dr Manuel Hernandez Perez's Outputs (3)

Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010) (2011)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M., & Grandio Perez, M. (2011). Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010). Área abierta, 1-20

This article explores the Science Fiction crossmedia television narratives and their key uses for the promotion and the creation of entertainment in the current television system. Henry Jenkins and others have pointed out to the genre of science fict... Read More about Crossmedia narratives in the Science-Fiction television discourse. The case of Battlestar Galactica (2003-2010).

Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal (2011)
Journal Article
Ferreras Rodríguez, J., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2011). Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal. Comunicación (Sevilla. Internet), 1(9), 175-188

The Indiana Jones series is on the foundation of the so called «blockbuster» phenomenon, a cinema that represents huge financial investments for the studios every year but is usually disregarded by scholars as empty. Despite that, it would be fair to... Read More about Pensar el cine blockbuster : el rol de la educación y el conocimiento en Indiana Jones y el Reino de la Calavera de Cristal.