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Dr Manuel Hernandez Perez's Outputs (3)

Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games (2012)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2012). Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games. SEECI 2000 (Internet), XVI(28), 30-48.

Role-playing games -along with social networks- have become the most popular
leisure activity online. This paper locates the origin of these web platforms in the
digital evolution of collaborative narratives and role-playing games. In order to do s... Read More about Profiles and characters : evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games.

Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación (2012)
Mateo, M., Grandío, M., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2012). Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación. Editum Media

The impact of Social Networks in the social, media, cultural and legal context of our country is already a palpable reality. This collective work is presented as a book to understand the scenario marked by the new relationships that Social Networks o... Read More about Historias en red : impacto de las redes sociales en los procesos de comunicación.