Walking in the wild, smart city : exploring geo-located sound walk practices in urban landscapes : 300 word statement
Scott, J. (2022). Walking in the wild, smart city : exploring geo-located sound walk practices in urban landscapes : 300 word statement
Dialogue as the embodiment of love : a Practice as Research investigation into a trilogy of socially engaged work by Ridiculusmus - 300 word statement (2020)
Talbot, R. (2020). Dialogue as the embodiment of love : a Practice as Research investigation into a trilogy of socially engaged work by Ridiculusmus - 300 word statement
Open Spaces : 300 word statement (2020)
Randall, J. (2020). Open Spaces : 300 word statement
Book chapter (Understanding the audience experience of contemporary visual arts at Geevor Mine World Heritage Site: A Dialogue between a Contemporary Artist and a Sociologist) : 300 word statement (2020)
Randall, J. (2020). Book chapter (Understanding the audience experience of contemporary visual arts at Geevor Mine World Heritage Site: A Dialogue between a Contemporary Artist and a Sociologist) : 300 word statement
‘No Particular Place to Go?’ : 300 word statement (2020)
Randall, J. (2020). ‘No Particular Place to Go?’ : 300 word statement
Death, dinner and performance : a study of the efficacy of performance to enhance conversations around death and dying - 300 word statement (2020)
McCormick, S. (2020). Death, dinner and performance : a study of the efficacy of performance to enhance conversations around death and dying - 300 word statement
Wilding the city : 300 word statement (2020)
Scott, J. (2020). Wilding the city : 300 word statement
Personal Structures-Identities’ exhibition, 2019 Venice Art Biennale, PAPER Pavilion, European Cultural Centre, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy. May 11th-Nov 24th 2019 : 300 word statement (2019)
Randall, J. (2019). Personal Structures-Identities’ exhibition, 2019 Venice Art Biennale, PAPER Pavilion, European Cultural Centre, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy. May 11th-Nov 24th 2019 : 300 word statement
Paynter - a digital tablet-based platform for collaborative composition in the classroom : 300 word statement (2019)
Hart, A., & Williams, A. (2019). Paynter - a digital tablet-based platform for collaborative composition in the classroom : 300 word statement
'Aftermath' : solo exhibition Geevor Tin Mine World Heritage Museum, Cornwall Feb-Oct 2016 : 300 word statement (2019)
Randall, J. (2019). 'Aftermath' : solo exhibition Geevor Tin Mine World Heritage Museum, Cornwall Feb-Oct 2016 : 300 word statement
Touch crescent moons : 300 word statement (2019)
Choi, I. (2019). Touch crescent moons : 300 word statement
Five elements of Living Treasure : 300 word statement (2019)
Choi, I. (2019). Five elements of Living Treasure : 300 word statement
Acoustic electronica – engineering and producing a new jazz aesthetic - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, B. (2019). Acoustic electronica – engineering and producing a new jazz aesthetic - 300 word statement. Salford, UK
Art pop intersections - producing Dutch Uncles and Robin Richards - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, B. (2019). Art pop intersections - producing Dutch Uncles and Robin Richards - 300 word statement. Salford, UK
Dramaturgies for compassionate hospitality : "And By the Way the Cat is Dead" - 300 word statement (2019)
Adams, K. (2019). Dramaturgies for compassionate hospitality : "And By the Way the Cat is Dead" - 300 word statement
Performance, composition and arranging for the reverse action piano harp - 300 word statement (2019)
Brissenden, P. (2019). Performance, composition and arranging for the reverse action piano harp - 300 word statement. Salford, UK
The Arsonists - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, A. (2019). The Arsonists - 300 word statement
Creating a collaborative worktown archive: 300 word statement (2019)
Edge, C. (2019). Creating a collaborative worktown archive: 300 word statement
Hymn for peace : 300 word statement (2019)
Dewhurst, R. (2019). Hymn for peace : 300 word statement
Showing 1 - 20 of 40 results