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12/12/2024 - Burnley College Zine Workshop (2024)

Zine Workshop delivered by Keren Poliah and Noah Singh-Harris at Burnley College

Teachers - 3 [each staying for short intervals as there was an ongoing event at the college]

Students - 21

Data collected: Questionnaires and Postcards

05/12/24 - Blackburn National College Podcast (2024)

National College Podcast 'Studying English'

Visit by Keren Poliah accompanied by Jimmy Ewing's student Sophie Hollis

Students - 6

Teacher - 1

Data collected: postcards and questionnaires

02/08/24 - Christian Progressive College, Pretoria (2024)

Delivery: Simon Stanton-Sharma and Jade Munslow Ong

Lectures and a video essay workshop to 207 Grade 11 students (aged 16 and 17) to a college in Pretoria

Data collected available:

103 Postcards

14 Written feedback notes

Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. (2023)
Digital Artefact
Nijhawan, A., & Poliah, K. (2023). Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online. [Video]

Dr Amita Nijhawan

University Affiliation: University of the Arts London


Title: “Storytelling/Playing: Disrupting and Relocating Voice in Academic Writing.”

Abstract: Techniques of storytelling help us destab... Read More about Recordings of presentations by Amita Nijhawan and Keren Poliah from the What Happens Next radical creative writing symposium, 21 June 2023, Salford, UK and online..

Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Poliah, K., Barnes, E., Solomon, R., Gilbert, D. J., & Helm, H. (2023). Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023). [Video]

Title: Beyond the Institution: Knowledge Exchange as Decolonial Method

Summary: Since the establishment of universities hundreds of years ago, higher education institutions have been characterised by their elitist and exclusive cultures. These cul... Read More about Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Session 3: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Davina Whitnall

Title: Do we need to deinstitutionalise first? Exploration of the issues and implications of decolonising knowledge for pedagogy

Summary: Decolonising pedagogical practice remains a challenge in Higher Education (HE) despite ins... Read More about Session 3: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Title: South African Literature, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level

Summary: In this lecture and Q+A, Jade will discuss what 'decolonising the curriculum' might mean for the discipline of English Studies. Drawing on examples from h... Read More about Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).