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Performance, Death and Dinner: A Study of the Efficacy of Performance to Encourage Conversations around Death and Dying (2021)

Delivered at the 2021 International Federation for Theatre Research Conference (postponed from 2020), at the National University of Ireland, Galway, this paper explores my 2019 Practice as Research project Performance, Death and Dinner: Autobiography... Read More about Performance, Death and Dinner: A Study of the Efficacy of Performance to Encourage Conversations around Death and Dying.

Office Politics (2021)

Is there such a thing as “good” Office Politics? Yes, here is how to establish that.

Culture and Economic Growth (2021)

"We don't have culture because we are smart, we are smart because we have culture" J. Henrich
'The secret of our success' is not our intelligence, but our 'cultural abilities' - because we are such powerful social learners.

Talent-based Economy (2021)

Book Preview: Most economies tend to grow when they develop their people in different ways that would maximize their potential to produce. The level of skills and knowledge that people gain in a community, are often an indicator for economic growth o... Read More about Talent-based Economy.

Poor Countries Are Not Destined To Stay Poor To Die (2021)

"Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, i.e. goods and technology and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?" A question posed to Diamond by Yali, a New Guinea Politician

Five Opportunities To Have Impact On The World (2021)

Seasoned entrepreneurs know that opportunities can be discovered and/or created. If you desire to have impact on the world, then in nutshell, the following five areas can be sought after....

Praise (2021)

A brief on motivating personnel for effective result.