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Otaku tourists out of Japan : fictionality, shared memories, and the role of national branding in the Japanese pilgrimages of anime fans in the United Kingdom (2019)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2019). Otaku tourists out of Japan : fictionality, shared memories, and the role of national branding in the Japanese pilgrimages of anime fans in the United Kingdom. Journal of Popular Culture, 52(6), 1512-1535.

The article explores the reasons and narratives behind the anime pilgrimage experiences of Japanese tourists in the UK. Anime or otaku (fan) pilgrimages are a phenomenon widely studied by Japanese and foreign academics in relation to seichi junrei (“... Read More about Otaku tourists out of Japan : fictionality, shared memories, and the role of national branding in the Japanese pilgrimages of anime fans in the United Kingdom.

Book review : Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia by Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo, and Koichi Iwabuchi and Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia by Tania Lewis, Fran Martin, and Wanning Sun (2019)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2019). Book review : Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia by Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo, and Koichi Iwabuchi and Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia by Tania Lewis, Fran Martin, and Wanning Sun. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(3), 940-942.

Book review : Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia by Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo, and Koichi Iwabuchi and Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia by Tania Lewis, Fran Martin, and Wanning Sun

Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media” : reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia Industry (2019)
Journal Article
Hernandez Perez, M. (2019). Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media” : reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia Industry. Arts, 8(2), 57.

This article introduces the special issue dedicated to global industries around anime, its theoretical commentary and its cross-cultural consumption. The concepts “anime” and “anime studies” are evaluated critically, involving current debates such as... Read More about Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media” : reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia Industry.