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Reflections on The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland : a conversation between David Woods and Jon Haynes of Ridiculusmus with commentary by Richard Talbot (2019)
Book Chapter
Talbot, R. (2019). Reflections on The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland : a conversation between David Woods and Jon Haynes of Ridiculusmus with commentary by Richard Talbot. In N. Shaughnessy, & P. Barnard (Eds.), Performing Psychologies : Imagination, Creativity and Dramas of the Mind (167-187). London: Bloomsbury

This is a collection of eight short sections of dialogue taken from a longer reflection on the creative process, of Ridiculusmus Theatre Company. The sections predominantly focus on the making and touring of The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Wester... Read More about Reflections on The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland : a conversation between David Woods and Jon Haynes of Ridiculusmus with commentary by Richard Talbot.