Touch crescent moons : 300 word statement
Choi, I. (2019). Touch crescent moons : 300 word statement
Five elements of Living Treasure : 300 word statement (2019)
Choi, I. (2019). Five elements of Living Treasure : 300 word statement
Vital Signs : A Poem in Four Movements - 300 word statement (2019)
Thurston, S., & Slee, S. (2019). Vital Signs : A Poem in Four Movements - 300 word statement. [Performance]
Art pop intersections - producing Dutch Uncles and Robin Richards - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, B. (2019). Art pop intersections - producing Dutch Uncles and Robin Richards - 300 word statement. Salford, UK
Acoustic electronica – engineering and producing a new jazz aesthetic - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, B. (2019). Acoustic electronica – engineering and producing a new jazz aesthetic - 300 word statement. Salford, UK
Dramaturgies for compassionate hospitality : "And By the Way the Cat is Dead" - 300 word statement (2019)
Adams, K. (2019). Dramaturgies for compassionate hospitality : "And By the Way the Cat is Dead" - 300 word statement
The Arsonists - 300 word statement (2019)
Williams, A. (2019). The Arsonists - 300 word statement
Multimodal landscapes - 300 word statement (2019)
Connor, S. (2019). Multimodal landscapes - 300 word statement
Sifting through and sounding out : creative applications of sounds from the past - 300 word statement (2019)
Connor, S. (2019). Sifting through and sounding out : creative applications of sounds from the past - 300 word statement