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Cultural diplomacy: the role of music and creative industry in establishing dialogue and understanding for social impact (2022)
Dorbayani, S. Cultural diplomacy: the role of music and creative industry in establishing dialogue and understanding for social impact. (Thesis). The University of Salford

This cross-disciplinary critique of commercially available publications and releases exemplifies aspects of my practice as I have navigated through the roles of executive consultant, adviser, international songwriter and cultural diplomat over the pa... Read More about Cultural diplomacy: the role of music and creative industry in establishing dialogue and understanding for social impact.

Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Vezzoli, M., Zogmaister, C., & Coen, S. (2021). Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective. Psychology of Popular Media Culture,

In light of the pervasive adoption of smartphones, scholars have explored the consequences of
problematic (i.e., excessive and uncontrolled) use of this technology. Studies have often shown that
individuals who spend much time using smartphones exp... Read More about Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective.

Does the understanding of complex dynamic events at 10 months predict vocabulary development? (2020)
Journal Article
Durrant, S., Jessop, A., Chang, F., Bidgood, A., Peter, M., Pine, J., & Rowland, C. (2021). Does the understanding of complex dynamic events at 10 months predict vocabulary development?. Language and Cognition, 13(1), 66-98.

By the end of their first year, infants can interpret many different types of complex dynamic visual events, such as caused-motion, chasing, and goal-directed action. Infants of this age are also in the early stages of vocabulary development, produci... Read More about Does the understanding of complex dynamic events at 10 months predict vocabulary development?.

British digital game studies (2018)
Journal Article
Crawford, G., MacCallum-Stewart, E., & Ruffino, P. (2018). British digital game studies. ToDiGRA (Online), 3(3), 1-11.

This paper provides a short and potted recent history of digital games research in Great Britain. We begin this story in 2001. Though a substantial amount of research and writing on digital games was taking in Britain since at least the 1980s, for us... Read More about British digital game studies.

The age of celebrity politics (2015)
Journal Article
Coen, S. (2015). The age of celebrity politics. Psychologist (Leicester), 28(5), 372-375

From celebrity candidates and
aspiring singing Prime Ministers to
candidates becoming the focus of
gossip magazines, the boundaries
between celebrity and politics are
becoming increasingly blurred.
With the National Elections
approaching, this... Read More about The age of celebrity politics.

The interplay between religious orientations, state secularism, and gay rights issues (2014)
Journal Article
Hichy, Z., Coen, S., & Di Marco, G. (2014). The interplay between religious orientations, state secularism, and gay rights issues. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 11(1), 82-101.

The aim of this study was to test the effects of religious orientations (intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest) and secularism of state on attitude towards both same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples. Moreover, the mediating effects of seculari... Read More about The interplay between religious orientations, state secularism, and gay rights issues.

Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement (2014)
Journal Article
Crawford, G., Gosling, V., Bagnall, G., & Light, B. (2014). Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement. Information, Communication and Society, 17(9), 1072-1085.

The participatory turn, fuelled by discourses and rhetoric regarding social media, and in the
aftermath of the crash of the early 2000s, enrols to some extent an idea of being
able to deploy networks to achieve institutional aims. The arts... Read More about Is there an app for that? A case study of the potentials and limitations of the participatory turn and networked publics for classical music audience engagement.

Sources in the news (2013)
Journal Article

In analysing the news media's role in serving the functions associated with democratic citizenship, the number, diversity and range of news sources are central. Research conducted on sources has overwhelmingly focused on individual national systems.... Read More about Sources in the news.

The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project (2013)
Bagnall, G., Light, B., Crawford, G., Gosling, V., Rushton, C., & Peterson, T. (2013). The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project

This report represents the output from research undertaken by University of Salford and MTM
London as part of the joint Digital R&D Fund for Arts and Culture, operated by Nesta, Arts
Council England and the AHRC. University of Salford and MTM Lon... Read More about The imperial war museum’s social interpretation project.

Lesbian, gay and bisexual women in the north west: a multi-method study of cervical screening attitudes, experiences and uptake (2011)
Light, B., & Ormandy, P. (2011). Lesbian, gay and bisexual women in the north west: a multi-method study of cervical screening attitudes, experiences and uptake. Salford

The NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP), committed to reducing health inequalities for lesbian and bisexual (LGB) women within cervical screening programmes, funded this research study in response to the Department of Health’s 2007 Cancer Refor... Read More about Lesbian, gay and bisexual women in the north west: a multi-method study of cervical screening attitudes, experiences and uptake.

Measuring the quality of peer-reviewed publications in social work : impact factors - liberation or liability (2010)
Journal Article
Blyth, E., Shardlow, S., Masson, H., Lyons, K., Shaw, I., & White, S. (2010). Measuring the quality of peer-reviewed publications in social work : impact factors - liberation or liability. Social Work Education, 29(2), 120-136.

Systems for measuring the quality of publications in peer-reviewed academic journals have achieved importance in the 'audit culture' to which academia worldwide has become increasingly subjected. In the United Kingdom this debate has focused on gover... Read More about Measuring the quality of peer-reviewed publications in social work : impact factors - liberation or liability.

Crime, foreigners and hard news: A cross-national comparison of reporting and public perception (2010)
Journal Article
Curran, J., Salovaara-Moring, I., Coen, S., & Iyengar, S. (2010). Crime, foreigners and hard news: A cross-national comparison of reporting and public perception. Journalism, 11(1), 3-19.

The Finnish media devote more attention to hard news than the British media, yet Finns are less interested in politics than the British. The principal reason for this difference in news values is that Finnish TV is more subject to public service infl... Read More about Crime, foreigners and hard news: A cross-national comparison of reporting and public perception.

Cross‐National versus individual‐level differences in political information: a media systems perspective (2010)
Journal Article
Iyengar, S., Curran, J., Lund, A., Salovaara‐Moring, I., Hahn, K., & Coen, S. (2010). Cross‐National versus individual‐level differences in political information: a media systems perspective. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 20(3), 291-309.

We propose a context-dependent approach to the study of political information. Combining a content analysis of broadcast news with a national survey measuring public
awareness of various events, issues, and individuals in the news, we show that prop... Read More about Cross‐National versus individual‐level differences in political information: a media systems perspective.

The effect of viewing graspable objects and actions in Parkinson's Disease (2007)
Journal Article
Poliakoff, E., Galpin, A., Dick, J., Moore, P., & Tipper, S. (2007). The effect of viewing graspable objects and actions in Parkinson's Disease. NeuroReport, 18(5), 483-487.

Viewing action-relevant stimuli such as a graspable object or another person moving can affect the observer's own motor system. Evidence exists that external stimuli may facilitate or hinder movement in Parkinson's disease, so we investigated whether... Read More about The effect of viewing graspable objects and actions in Parkinson's Disease.