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Partisan, scholarly and active: for an organic public sociology of work and the case of critical labour studies (2013)
Journal Article
Brook, P., & Darlington, R. (2013). Partisan, scholarly and active: for an organic public sociology of work and the case of critical labour studies. Work, Employment and Society, 27(2), 232-243

Despite a thriving tradition of critical scholarship in UK-based sociology of work, Burawoy’s call for a partisan organic public sociology that is part of ‘a social movement beyond the academy’ and Bourdieu’s plea for committed scholarship in the ser... Read More about Partisan, scholarly and active: for an organic public sociology of work and the case of critical labour studies.

Objective but not detached: Partisanship in industrial relations research’ (2013)
Journal Article
Darlington, R., & Dobson, J. (2013). Objective but not detached: Partisanship in industrial relations research’. Capital and Class, 37(2), 285-297.

This article considers whether industrial relations (IR) research is objective, impartial or value-free, and argues that many IR academics in Britain have tended to start from a social-democratic premise which makes them relatively more sympathetic t... Read More about Objective but not detached: Partisanship in industrial relations research’.

Syndicalism and strikes, leadership and influence: Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain and the United States (2013)
Journal Article
Darlington, R. (2013). Syndicalism and strikes, leadership and influence: Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain and the United States. International Labor and Working-Class History, 83(Spring), 37-53.

The explosion of industrial and political militancy that swept the world during the early years of the twentieth century gave the revolutionary syndicalist movement a prominence and notoriety it would not otherwise have possessed, while at the same t... Read More about Syndicalism and strikes, leadership and influence: Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain and the United States.