‘Vague de grève, croissance syndicale, bureaucratie et militants de base au Royaume-Uni (1889-1920)'
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. (2014). ‘Vague de grève, croissance syndicale, bureaucratie et militants de base au Royaume-Uni (1889-1920)'. In J. Vinel (Ed.), La gréve en exi?. Syndicalisme et démocratie aux États-Unis et en Europe de I’Ouest (xıx-xxı siècles), (131-169). Nancy: Les editions l’Arbre Bleu
The role of trade unions in building resistance: Theoretical, historical and comparative perspectives (2014)
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. (2014). The role of trade unions in building resistance: Theoretical, historical and comparative perspectives. In M. Atzeni (Ed.), Workers and Labour in a Gloablised Capitalism: Contemporary Themes and Theoretical Issues (111-138). Houndmills, Basinkstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Organising, militancy and revitalisation: The case of the RMT (2009)
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. (2009). Organising, militancy and revitalisation: The case of the RMT. In G. Gall (Ed.), Union revitalisation in advanced economies: Assessing the contribution of union organising (83-106). London: Palgrave Macmillan
Introduction: Some of the challenges facing the academic study of industrial relations (2009)
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. (2009). Introduction: Some of the challenges facing the academic study of industrial relations. In R. Darlington (Ed.), What's the point of industrial relations? In defence of critical social science (1-16). Manchester: British Universities Industrial Relations Association
Preface : syndicalism and radical unionism today
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. Preface : syndicalism and radical unionism today. In Revolutionary Unionism: Syndicalism in Europe & America in the early 20th century (9-18). Seoul, Korea: Chaekgalpi
Book Chapter
Darlington, R. Introduction. In Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism: An International Comparative Analysis (1-13). Aldershot: Ashgate