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Leadership in higher education (2001)
Journal Article
Davies, J., Hides, M., & Casey, S. (2001). Leadership in higher education. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 12(7), 1025-1030.

Higher education establishments are undergoing a phenomenal amount of change driven by the various stakeholders (e.g. Government, students and local communities). Traditionally, universities have been governed on a collegiate basis, focusing on devel... Read More about Leadership in higher education.

Taking over someone else's design: implications for the tutor's role in networked learning (2001)
Journal Article
Whatley, J., Jones, C., & Asensio, M. (2001). Taking over someone else's design: implications for the tutor's role in networked learning.

The experience of taking over an already designed Web-based course helps us to investigate the claims in the literature about the role that tutors have more generally in networked learning. This paper addresses this issue through a case study and bri... Read More about Taking over someone else's design: implications for the tutor's role in networked learning.

Designing for web site usability (2001)
Journal Article
Symonds, J., & Procter, C. (2001). Designing for web site usability

This paper explores the customer perspective of World Wide Web (WWW) site design in the light of current WWW usability research. A usability study undertaken by Spool et al. (1999) is replicated where testers search for specific information on a WWW... Read More about Designing for web site usability.

Mixed multivariate generalized linear models for assessing lower-limb arterial stenoses. (2001)
Journal Article
Cengiz, M., & Percy, D. (2001). Mixed multivariate generalized linear models for assessing lower-limb arterial stenoses. Statistics in Medicine, 20(11), 1663-1679.

Experiments and observational studies often involve gathering information on several response variables, enabling us to model their dependence on observable predictor variables. Despite associations between the response variables, they are often anal... Read More about Mixed multivariate generalized linear models for assessing lower-limb arterial stenoses..

Model-based scenarios for the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: the consequences of highly active antiretroviral therapy (2001)
Journal Article
Dangerfield, B., Fang, Y., & Roberts, C. (2001). Model-based scenarios for the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: the consequences of highly active antiretroviral therapy. System Dynamics Review, 17(2), 119-150.

A system dynamics model of HIV/AIDS epidemiology is employed to simulate the effects of triple combination antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. The epidemic data on homosexual men in the UK (1981--1998) have been used to fit the basel... Read More about Model-based scenarios for the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: the consequences of highly active antiretroviral therapy.

On the bias of intermittent demand estimates. (2001)
Journal Article
Syntetos, A., & Boylan, J. (2001). On the bias of intermittent demand estimates. International Journal of Production Economics, 71(1-3), 457-466.

Forecasting and inventory control for intermittent demand items has been a major problem in the manufacturing and supply environment. Croston (Operational Research Quarterly 23 (1972) 289), proposed a method according to which intermittent demand est... Read More about On the bias of intermittent demand estimates..

Successful hazard analysis critical control point implementation in the United Kingdom: understanding the barriers through the use of a behavioral adherence model (2001)
Journal Article
Gilling, S., Taylor, E., Kane, K., & Taylor, J. (2001). Successful hazard analysis critical control point implementation in the United Kingdom: understanding the barriers through the use of a behavioral adherence model. Journal of Food Protection, 64(5), 710-715

Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP), a system of risk management designed to control food safety, has emerged over the last decade as the primary approach to securing the safety of the food supply. It is thus an important tool in combattin... Read More about Successful hazard analysis critical control point implementation in the United Kingdom: understanding the barriers through the use of a behavioral adherence model.

Rare antiques, fine furnishings and vintage champagne: new learning techniques and educational themes in 2001: supporting change in learning and teaching (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Burke, M. (2001, March). Rare antiques, fine furnishings and vintage champagne: new learning techniques and educational themes in 2001: supporting change in learning and teaching. Poster presented at Seventh International Conference of European University Information Systems (EUNIS 2001), Berlin, Germany

This paper will examine how organisations operate their internal environment to optimise best performance for both teaching and learning. Within this context the author will discuss the impact of using new technology on students studying business int... Read More about Rare antiques, fine furnishings and vintage champagne: new learning techniques and educational themes in 2001: supporting change in learning and teaching.

Realising potential : the new motivation game (2001)
Journal Article
Gee, C., & Burke, M. (2001). Realising potential : the new motivation game. Management Decision, 39(2), 131-137.

This article establishes the role played by the manager in motivating his or her employees on a consistent basis. The restructuring of the economy in the 1980s and 1990s directly challenged the manager’s task in motivating employees by increasing the... Read More about Realising potential : the new motivation game.

Care on the court (2001)
Journal Article
James, M., & Deeley, F. (2001). Care on the court

Capital replacement modelling with a fixed planning horizon (2001)
Hashem, M. Capital replacement modelling with a fixed planning horizon. (Thesis). University of Salford

For equipment or plant replacement, when to replace an existing plant, fleet or a
part of it, is one of the main concerns in decision-making. The thesis considers
this decision-making problem using capital replacement models with a fixed
planning... Read More about Capital replacement modelling with a fixed planning horizon.