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Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Haynes, J., Naggasa, A., Augusthus-Nelson, L., El-basir, F., & Alsaleh, A. (2019, October). Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets. Presented at 9th International Conference on Arch Bridges, Porto, Portugal

The continued use of many UK highway and railway masonry arch bridges is dependent upon maintaining robustness as the materials deteriorate over time. A common failure in multi-ring brickwork arches subject to fatigue, is ring separation.
This pape... Read More about Modeling the behavior of radially pinned brick triplets.

Moisture susceptibility and fatigue performance of hydrated lime-modified asphalt concrete : experiment and design application case study (2019)
Journal Article
Al-Tameemi, A., Wang, Y., Albayati, A., & Haynes, B. (2019). Moisture susceptibility and fatigue performance of hydrated lime-modified asphalt concrete : experiment and design application case study. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31(4), 04019019.

Hydrated lime has been recognized as an effective additive used to improve asphalt concrete properties in pavement applications. However, further work is still needed to quantify the effect of hydrated lime on asphaltic concrete performance under var... Read More about Moisture susceptibility and fatigue performance of hydrated lime-modified asphalt concrete : experiment and design application case study.