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Diffraction studies of the structural phase transition in the high temperature superconductor YBCO (2002)
Khoshnevisan, B. Diffraction studies of the structural phase transition in the high temperature superconductor YBCO. (Thesis). University of Salford

In-situ x-ray and neutron, diffraction combined with computation modelling have been used to elucidate the details of the structural phase transitions in TBa2Cu3O,
0<, X<I.
in this study it is found that in the elevated tempe...

The behaviour of brickwork arches subjected to cyclic loading (2002)
Alnuaimi, M. The behaviour of brickwork arches subjected to cyclic loading. (Thesis). University of Salford

There are over 40,000 road bridges in the UK and most of them are over a hundred years old. These bridges were not designed to carry today's modern traffic and the everincreasing live loads especially with the introduction of 40 tonne lorries since J... Read More about The behaviour of brickwork arches subjected to cyclic loading.

Role of diffusers in the acoustic design of the stage enclosure in concert halls (2002)
Bermond, R. Role of diffusers in the acoustic design of the stage enclosure in concert halls. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Previous studies on acoustic requirements for performers of classical music proved
that early reflections were of critical importance for good ensemble conditions. However,
strong early reflections may produce an unpleasant tone quality. Diffusers... Read More about Role of diffusers in the acoustic design of the stage enclosure in concert halls.