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Investigation of space charge neutralization effects in high-current positive ion beams (2008)
Fiala, J. Investigation of space charge neutralization effects in high-current positive ion beams. (Thesis)

Through the experience gained during the industrial development of low energy implanters,
it is commonly believed that improvements in forced space-charge neutralization
are responsible for the maintenance of high currents down to an energy
of abo... Read More about Investigation of space charge neutralization effects in high-current positive ion beams.

Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometric Diagnostics of Laser-Induced Silicon Plasmas (2008)
Cowpe, J. Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometric Diagnostics of Laser-Induced Silicon Plasmas. (Thesis). University of Salford

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Mass Spectrometry (MS) were employed in tandem for diagnostic studies of Nd:YAG (532 nm) laser induced plasma plumes. OES measurements of laser-induced silicon plasmas were performed through a range of ambient... Read More about Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometric Diagnostics of Laser-Induced Silicon Plasmas.