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The fabrication and analysis of the magnetic and crystallographic properties of Fe-rich (Fe x Ga 1-x) Galfenol alloys (2012)
Quinn, C. The fabrication and analysis of the magnetic and crystallographic properties of Fe-rich (Fe x Ga 1-x) Galfenol alloys. (Thesis). University of Salford

Understanding the fundamental physics and properties of smart materials is a very important area of research for nano and micro mechanical systems especially in the applications of sensing and actuation, such as SONAR.
This thesis is focused on the... Read More about The fabrication and analysis of the magnetic and crystallographic properties of Fe-rich (Fe x Ga 1-x) Galfenol alloys.

Exposure‐response relationships from railway noise in the presence of vibration (2012)
Koziel, Z. Exposure‐response relationships from railway noise in the presence of vibration. (Dissertation). University of Salford

The main aim of this thesis is to develop exposure-response relationships for noise, vibration, and combined effects from noise and vibration. Examinations of non-acoustical factors such as noise sensitivity, noise acceptance, gender, age, and sleep... Read More about Exposure‐response relationships from railway noise in the presence of vibration.