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Low oil-water ratio invert emulsion mud for unconventional shale reservoirs (2017)
Egejuru, P. Low oil-water ratio invert emulsion mud for unconventional shale reservoirs. (Thesis). University of Salford

Due to stringent environmental regulations on the disposal and management of the traditional diesel oil-based mud used for drilling difficult formations such as shale, there is the necessity to develop an environmentally friendly drilling mud. Vegeta... Read More about Low oil-water ratio invert emulsion mud for unconventional shale reservoirs.

Assessment of the effect of climate change in anticipated water resources availability in arid climate zones (2017)
Mohammed, R. Assessment of the effect of climate change in anticipated water resources availability in arid climate zones. (Thesis). University of Salford

Climate change impact and drought phenomena linked with anthropogenic pressure have become a growing concern for water resource managers and policy makers, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. This research proposes generic methodologies to ev... Read More about Assessment of the effect of climate change in anticipated water resources availability in arid climate zones.