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Reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of brain MR images
Qasim, A. Reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of brain MR images. (Thesis). University of Salford

The digital medical workflow has many circumstances in which the image data can be manipulated both within the secured Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and exchanged. This potentially grows ethical and l... Read More about Reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of brain MR images.

Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing
Al-Fahaam, H. Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing. (Thesis). University of Salford

Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of... Read More about Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing.

Collaborative system and multi robots based on pneumatic muscle actuator
Al-Ibadi, A. Collaborative system and multi robots based on pneumatic muscle actuator. (Thesis). University of Salford

Designing a multi-robot system provides numerous advantages for many applications, such as low cost, multi-tasking and more efficient group work. While the rigidity of the robots used in industrial and medical application increase the probability of... Read More about Collaborative system and multi robots based on pneumatic muscle actuator.

Behaviour of single batter piles and pile groups under lateral soil movement in sand
Al-Salih, O. (in press). Behaviour of single batter piles and pile groups under lateral soil movement in sand. (Thesis). University of Salford

Piles are commonly subjected to induced loads from nearby construction activities such as approach embankments, excavation, tunnelling and moving slopes. To better understand the mechanism of this complicated soil-pile interaction problem, a comprehe... Read More about Behaviour of single batter piles and pile groups under lateral soil movement in sand.

Velocity distribution prediction in rectangular and compound channels under smooth and rough flow conditions
Alawadi, W. (in press). Velocity distribution prediction in rectangular and compound channels under smooth and rough flow conditions. (Thesis). University of Salford

Many practical problems in river engineering require predictions of velocity distributions in single and compound open channels. In this study, velocity distributions in rectangular and compound open channels under different flow regimes, in terms of... Read More about Velocity distribution prediction in rectangular and compound channels under smooth and rough flow conditions.

Thickness estimation, automated classification and novelty detection in ultrasound images of the plantar fascia tissues
Boussouar, A. (in press). Thickness estimation, automated classification and novelty detection in ultrasound images of the plantar fascia tissues. (Thesis). University of Salford

The plantar fascia (PF) tissue plays an important role in the movement and the stability of the foot during walking and running. Thus it is possible for the overuse and the associated medical problems to cause injuries and some severe common disease... Read More about Thickness estimation, automated classification and novelty detection in ultrasound images of the plantar fascia tissues.

Improvement of semi-active control suspensions based on gain-scheduling control
Hammood, H. (in press). Improvement of semi-active control suspensions based on gain-scheduling control. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study presents the development of a non-linear control strategy for a semi-active suspension controller using a gain-scheduling structure controller. The aim of the study is to overcome the constraints of conventional control strategies and impr... Read More about Improvement of semi-active control suspensions based on gain-scheduling control.

Flame propagation through different sizes of metal mesh and mitigation using fine water sprays
Ahmadu, A. (in press). Flame propagation through different sizes of metal mesh and mitigation using fine water sprays. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Explosion is one of the major problems faced in dealing with flammable hydrocarbon gases.
Following the recent tragic incident resulting from gas and vapour cloud explosion around
the globe, there has been a great interest in the use of fine water... Read More about Flame propagation through different sizes of metal mesh and mitigation using fine water sprays.

Adaptive robust interaction control for low-cost robotic grasping
Mahboubi Heydarabad, S. (in press). Adaptive robust interaction control for low-cost robotic grasping. (Thesis). University of Salford

Robotic grasping is a challenging area in the field of robotics. When a gripper starts interacting with an object to perform a grasp, the mechanical properties of the object (stiffness and damping) will play an important role. A gripper which is stab... Read More about Adaptive robust interaction control for low-cost robotic grasping.

Investigating the effect of perforation diameter and carbon dioxide bubble size distribution on heavy oil recovery
Okudolor, A. (in press). Investigating the effect of perforation diameter and carbon dioxide bubble size distribution on heavy oil recovery. (Thesis). University of Salford

Global demand for energy is rising steeply because of escalating energy consumption coupled with depleting conventional petroleum reserves. To address this challenge, heavy oil has been considered as a strategic petroleum resource that can be produce... Read More about Investigating the effect of perforation diameter and carbon dioxide bubble size distribution on heavy oil recovery.

Improvement of 5G performance through network densification in millimetre wave band
Al-Falahy, N. (in press). Improvement of 5G performance through network densification in millimetre wave band. (Thesis). University of Salford

Recently, there has been a substantial growth in mobile data traffic due to the widespread of data hungry devices such as mobiles and laptops. The anticipated high traffic demands and low latency requirements stemmed from the Internet of Things (IoT)... Read More about Improvement of 5G performance through network densification in millimetre wave band.

An analytical study of the ethical problems in India’s digital service sector and their impact on attrition in the IT industry
More, S. (in press). An analytical study of the ethical problems in India’s digital service sector and their impact on attrition in the IT industry. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research aims to test the hypothesis that ethical problems are causing high staff attrition rates within the digital service sector (DSS) in India. It is also shown that ethical problems affect other factors in DSS, such as trust, decision-makin... Read More about An analytical study of the ethical problems in India’s digital service sector and their impact on attrition in the IT industry.

An image processing decisional system for the Achilles tendon using ultrasound images
Ben Rabha, J. (in press). An image processing decisional system for the Achilles tendon using ultrasound images. (Thesis). University of Salford

The Achilles Tendon (AT) is described as the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. As for any other organs in the human body, the AT is associated with some medical problems that include Achilles rupture and Achilles tendonitis. AT rupture... Read More about An image processing decisional system for the Achilles tendon using ultrasound images.

In situ blocked force measurement in gearboxes with potential application for condition monitoring
Abohnik, A. (in press). In situ blocked force measurement in gearboxes with potential application for condition monitoring. (Thesis). Salford University

The use of gearboxes for power transfer is widespread throughout industry. However, machines today are operating at higher speeds than ever before and gear failures such as wear or tooth breakage is serious and legitimate concerns. Incipient fault de... Read More about In situ blocked force measurement in gearboxes with potential application for condition monitoring.

Evaluation and modelling of perceived audio quality in popular music, towards intelligent music production
Wilson, A. Evaluation and modelling of perceived audio quality in popular music, towards intelligent music production. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis addresses three fundamental questions: What is mixing? What makes a high-quality mix? How can high-quality mixes be automatically generated? While these may seem essential to the very foundations of intelligent music production, this thes... Read More about Evaluation and modelling of perceived audio quality in popular music, towards intelligent music production.

Investigation into continuous spray and metered spray using compressed gas propellant
Miguel, M. Investigation into continuous spray and metered spray using compressed gas propellant. (Dissertation). University of Salford

In general all the domestic aerosol products use hydrocarbon propellants (i.e. butane and propane) in which a high flash vaporisation provides a good atomisation. However, according to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference agreed in Paris... Read More about Investigation into continuous spray and metered spray using compressed gas propellant.