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Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes (2001)
Journal Article
New, G., Yates, M., Woerdman, J., & Mcdonald, G. (2001). Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes. Optics Communications, 193(1-6), 261-266.

The modes of unstable optical resonators possess fractal character. In this paper, the fundamental question of how and why fractals originate in one of the simplest linear optical systems is addressed. The answer is related to the fact that unstabl... Read More about Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes.

Non-paraxial beam propagation methods (2001)
Journal Article
Chamorro-Posada, P., Mcdonald, G., & New, G. (2001). Non-paraxial beam propagation methods. Optics Communications, 192(1-2), 1-12.

Exact analytical results are employed in the testing of split-step and finite difference approaches to the numerical solution of the non-paraxial non-linear Schrodinger equation. It is shown that conventional split-step schemes can lead to spurious o... Read More about Non-paraxial beam propagation methods.