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A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspace (2001)
Journal Article
Aspin, R., DaDalto, L., Fernando, T., Gobbetti, E., Marache, M., Shelbourn, M., & Soubra, S. (2001). A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspace

Construction projects involve a large number of both direct stakeholders (clients, professional teams, contractors, etc.) and indirect stakeholders (local authorities, residents, workers, etc.). Current methods of communicating building design inform... Read More about A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspace.

Origin of atomic clusters during ion sputtering (2001)
Journal Article
Rehn, L., Birtcher, R., Donnelly, S., Baldo, P., & Funk, L. (2001). Origin of atomic clusters during ion sputtering. Physical review letters, 87(20), 207601-1-207601-4.

Previous studies have shown that the size distributions of small clusters ( n<=40 n = number of atoms/cluster) generated by sputtering obey an inverse power law with an exponent between -8 and -4. Here we report electron microscopy studies of the... Read More about Origin of atomic clusters during ion sputtering.

The dependence on structure of the projected vibrational density of states of various phases of ice as calculated by ab initio methods (2001)
Journal Article
Jenkins, S., & Morrison, I. (2001). The dependence on structure of the projected vibrational density of states of various phases of ice as calculated by ab initio methods. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13(41), 9207-9229.

We determine the structural data of seven of the polymorphs of ice (ice Ih, ice Ic, ice IX, ice II, ice VI, ice VII and ice VIII) from ab initio calculations. The dynamical properties have been analysed within the harmonic approximation via a finite-... Read More about The dependence on structure of the projected vibrational density of states of various phases of ice as calculated by ab initio methods.

Are grammatical representations useful for learning from biological sequence data?— a case study (2001)
Journal Article
Muggleton, S., Bryant, C., Srinivasan, A., Whittaker, A., Topp, S., & Rawlings, C. (2001). Are grammatical representations useful for learning from biological sequence data?— a case study. Journal of Computational Biology, 8(5), 493-521.

This paper investigates whether Chomsky-like grammar representations are useful for learning cost-effective, comprehensible predictors of members of biological sequence families. The Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) Bayesian approach to learning fr... Read More about Are grammatical representations useful for learning from biological sequence data?— a case study.

Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Xu, J., Scholz, M., Funk, M., & Dodson, H. (2001, September). Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals. Presented at 149th Ordinary Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology, Norwich

The aim was to investigate the treatment efficiency of passive vertical-flow wetland filters containing different plant communities (predominantly Phragmites Australis and/or Typha Latifolia) and granular media with different adsorption capacities in... Read More about Comparison of microbiology, filter media and plant communities within constructed wetlands treating wastewater contaminated with heavy metals.

Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Bermond, R., & Davies, W. (2001, September). Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians. Presented at 17th Int. Congress on Acoustics, Rome

To date, there has been little evidence available on how musicians perceive diffuse reflections in the early sound field in comparison to specular reflections. Two series of subjective tests were conducted among musicians, one in a small room and one... Read More about Influence of diffuse reflections on the playing of musicians.

Difference Limen for level of music (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Davies, W. (2001, September). Difference Limen for level of music. Presented at 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome

A psychoacoustic experiment has been conducted to determine the difference limen (DL) of the level of music reproduced in a listening room. The effects of three factors on the DL were measured using up to twelve trained subjects. The factors were m... Read More about Difference Limen for level of music.

Numerical modelling of time-dependent deformation around an underground mine in rock salt (2001)
Journal Article
Swift, G., Reddish, D., Lloyd, P., & Dunham, R. (2001). Numerical modelling of time-dependent deformation around an underground mine in rock salt

Extensive in-situ and laboratory-based experimental work formed the basis for an assessment of the stability of an abandoned panel of Winsford salt mine, Cheshire, England, conducted by numerical modelling with the finite-difference code FLAC. The fi... Read More about Numerical modelling of time-dependent deformation around an underground mine in rock salt.

Mining knowledge in train scheduling data (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., & Theodoulidis, B. (2001, July). Mining knowledge in train scheduling data. Presented at The 2nd European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations, Salford, UK

A new software agent 'learning' algorithm (2001)
Presentation / Conference
Murano, P. (2001, June). A new software agent 'learning' algorithm. Presented at People in control: an international conference on human interfaces in control rooms, cockpits and command centres, UMIST, Manchester, UK

Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes (2001)
Journal Article
New, G., Yates, M., Woerdman, J., & Mcdonald, G. (2001). Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes. Optics Communications, 193(1-6), 261-266.

The modes of unstable optical resonators possess fractal character. In this paper, the fundamental question of how and why fractals originate in one of the simplest linear optical systems is addressed. The answer is related to the fact that unstabl... Read More about Diffractive origin of fractal resonator modes.

Synthesis and characterization of a novel Y-Fe phase via kinetic neutron diffraction (2001)
Journal Article
Kilcoyne, S., Manuel, P., & Ritter, C. (2001). Synthesis and characterization of a novel Y-Fe phase via kinetic neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13(22), 5241-5250.

Kinetic in situ neutron diffraction has been used to study the crystallization of
amorphous Y67Fe33. The results show that partial crystallization first occurs
close to 300 ◦C where the Y phase is formed. The entire sample crystallizes
at 390 ◦C a... Read More about Synthesis and characterization of a novel Y-Fe phase via kinetic neutron diffraction.

Comparison of filter media, plant communities and microbiology within constructed wetlands treating wastewater containing heavy metals (2001)
Journal Article
Scholz, M., Xu, J., & Dodson, H. (2001). Comparison of filter media, plant communities and microbiology within constructed wetlands treating wastewater containing heavy metals. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 76(8), 827-835.

The aim of this study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of passive vertical-flow wetland filters containing Phragmites australis and/or Typha latifolia and granular media of different adsorption capacities. A cost–benefit analysis was perfo... Read More about Comparison of filter media, plant communities and microbiology within constructed wetlands treating wastewater containing heavy metals.

Non-paraxial beam propagation methods (2001)
Journal Article
Chamorro-Posada, P., Mcdonald, G., & New, G. (2001). Non-paraxial beam propagation methods. Optics Communications, 192(1-2), 1-12.

Exact analytical results are employed in the testing of split-step and finite difference approaches to the numerical solution of the non-paraxial non-linear Schrodinger equation. It is shown that conventional split-step schemes can lead to spurious o... Read More about Non-paraxial beam propagation methods.

Fine structure and possible growth mechanisms of some electrodeposited CuCo granular films (2001)
Journal Article
Tochitskii, T., Jones, G., Blythe, H., Fedosyuk, V., & Castro, J. (2001). Fine structure and possible growth mechanisms of some electrodeposited CuCo granular films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 224(3), 221-232.

Granular thin-films of the alloy Cu100-xCox within the composition range 6<x<35 have been grown by electrodeposition. The films have been investigated both magnetically and structurally and a comparison made between both types of measurements... Read More about Fine structure and possible growth mechanisms of some electrodeposited CuCo granular films.