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Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users (2006)
Book Chapter
Murano, P. (2006). Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users. In C. Chen, J. Filipe, I. Seruca, & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Enterprise information systems VII (241-248). Springer Netherlands.

This paper addresses and resolves an interesting question concerning the reason for anthropomorphic user interface feedback being more effective (in two of three contexts) and preferred by users compared to an equivalent non-anthropomorphic feedback.... Read More about Why anthropomorphic user interface feedback can be effective and preferred by users.

A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set (2006)
Book Chapter
Correa, E., Freitas, A., & Johnson, C. (2006). A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set. In Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '06 (35). ACM Digital Library.

Many data mining applications involve the task of building a model for predictive classification. The goal of such a model is to classify examples (records or data instances) into classes or categories of the same type. The use of variables (attribut... Read More about A new discrete particle swarm algorithm applied to attribute selection in a bioinformatics data set.