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Stratified slopes, numerical and empirical stability analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Sauffisseau, R., & Ahangar Asr, A. (2018). Stratified slopes, numerical and empirical stability analysis. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 171(4), 174-185.

Urbanisation means that many natural slopes in and around cities are often subjected to cuts
resulting in dramatic changes in the geometry of slope faces mostly by increasing slope angle
which could lead to failures with catastrophic consequences.... Read More about Stratified slopes, numerical and empirical stability analysis.

An evolutionary modelling approach to predicting stress-strain behaviour of saturated granular soils (2018)
Journal Article
Ahangar Asr, A., Faramarzi, A., & Javadi, A. (2018). An evolutionary modelling approach to predicting stress-strain behaviour of saturated granular soils. Engineering Computations, 35(8), 2931-2952.

Purpose: To develop a unified framework for modelling triaxial deviator stress - axial strain and volumetric strain – axial strain behaviour of granular soils with the ability to predict the entire stress paths, incrementally, point by point, in de... Read More about An evolutionary modelling approach to predicting stress-strain behaviour of saturated granular soils.

An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Ahangar Asr, A., & Javadi, A. (2018, August). An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils. Presented at The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils UNSAT2018, Hong Kong, China

Effective stress parameter affects the stress equation and is implemented to calculate the effective stress value which directly influences deformations and failures in unsaturated soils. Evolutionary polynomial regression is a data mining-based tech... Read More about An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils.

Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Alateya, H., & Ahangar Asr, A. (2018, June). Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams. Presented at 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) & 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK

Seepage through earth dams is one of the main reasons of sudden earth dam failures through weakening the earth dam structure and the piping phenomenon. Cavities existence under the hydraulic structures can lead to heavy structural financial damages a... Read More about Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams.

Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Sauffisseau, R., & Ahangar Asr, A. (2018, June). Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis. Presented at 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) & 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK

With the growth of population in the cities and the lack of land nearby, buildings are now reaching heights and depths (basements) demanding larger and deeper foundations. These excavations cause the unloading of the ground in some directions which c... Read More about Numerical investigation of unloading effects due to excavation of geometrically non-homogeneous stratified rock masses using finite element analysis.