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Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Ibadi, A., Nefti-Meziani, S., Davis, S., & Theodoridis, T. (2018, September). Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA). Presented at 24th International Conference on Automation & Computing, Newcastle, UK

This paper proposes a novel continuum robot
arm based on the pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA). The
simple design of the extensor and the contractor PMAs are
used to implement the extension and the contraction sections respectively. Five actuators a... Read More about Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA).

Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper (2018)
Journal Article
Dsouza, R., Navin, K., Theodoridis, T., & Sharma, P. (2018). Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper. Microsystem Technologies, 24(9), 3867-3883.

This paper presents the development of a monolithic two degrees of freedom (2 DOF), piezoelectric actuated microgripper for the manipulation of micro-objects. Micromanipulation and microassembly are the major subjects of interest in recent times and... Read More about Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper.