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The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Odum, R., Hill, S., von Hünerbein, S., Linnebank, P., Sutton, A., & Townend, D. (2018, November). The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks. Presented at Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2018 (LAPC2018), Loughborough, UK

There is growing interest in the use of millimetre-wave spectrum as a potential candidate for the provision of high capacity, short range, back-haul solutions within future 5G ultra-dense network infrastructures. However, it is recognised that these... Read More about The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks.

Coop-DAAB : cooperative attribute based data aggregation for Internet of Things applications (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Belguith, S., Kaaniche, N., Mohamed, M., & Russello, G. (2018, October). Coop-DAAB : cooperative attribute based data aggregation for Internet of Things applications. Presented at On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, Valletta, Malta

The deployment of IoT devices is gaining an expanding interest in our daily life. Indeed, IoT networks consist in interconnecting several smart and resource constrained devices to enable advanced services. Security management in IoT is a big challeng... Read More about Coop-DAAB : cooperative attribute based data aggregation for Internet of Things applications.

Perceptual audio evaluation of media device orchestration using the multi-stimulus ideal profile method (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Wilson, A., Cox, T., Zacharov, N., & Pike, C. (2018, October). Perceptual audio evaluation of media device orchestration using the multi-stimulus ideal profile method. Presented at Audio Engineering Society 145th Convention, New York, USA

The evaluation of object-based audio reproduction methods in a real-world context remains a challenge as it is difficult to separate the effects of the reproduction system from the effects of the audio mix rendered for that system. This is often comp... Read More about Perceptual audio evaluation of media device orchestration using the multi-stimulus ideal profile method.

Investigation of assessment methods for railway masonry arch bridges (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Wang, J., Haynes, B., & Melbourne, C. (2018, October). Investigation of assessment methods for railway masonry arch bridges. Presented at 8th International Conference on Arch Bridges, Wroclaw, Poland

Although masonry arch bridge research over the last few decades has spawned several advanced capacity assessment tools, the maintenance and assessment of these bridges is still a constant concern for the bridge owners. There have been many appeals fo... Read More about Investigation of assessment methods for railway masonry arch bridges.

Mobile augmented reality in nursing educational environments (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Quqandi, E., Joy, M., Rushton, M., & Drumm, I. (2018, September). Mobile augmented reality in nursing educational environments. Presented at 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), Colchester, UK

The possibility of using Augmented Reality (AR) in
learning and training has become more straightforward than
before, as a result of the extensive use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) in the computer and mobile
industries. Even... Read More about Mobile augmented reality in nursing educational environments.

Human-robot shared control for split-site interaction and disabled assistance (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Ibadi, A., Nefti-Meziani, S., & Davis, S. (2018, September). Human-robot shared control for split-site interaction and disabled assistance. Presented at 8th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS), London, UK

The context where the robot will be used leads to understanding the interaction requirement among the robots and between the human and robot. This includes the number of humans and robots to be used, the task to be solved, and in several cases, the h... Read More about Human-robot shared control for split-site interaction and disabled assistance.

Characterization of concrete electrical resistivity at varied pore structures, water and chloride contents (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Xiang, N., Wang, Y., & Oleiwi, H. (2018, September). Characterization of concrete electrical resistivity at varied pore structures, water and chloride contents. Presented at 38th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Coventry, UK

Concrete electrical resistivity has been verified as one of the most significant indicators in the evaluation of steel corrosion in concrete. It is also a most effective parameter in the design and operation of cathodic protection for reinforced conc... Read More about Characterization of concrete electrical resistivity at varied pore structures, water and chloride contents.

Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Ibadi, A., Nefti-Meziani, S., Davis, S., & Theodoridis, T. (2018, September). Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA). Presented at 24th International Conference on Automation & Computing, Newcastle, UK

This paper proposes a novel continuum robot
arm based on the pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA). The
simple design of the extensor and the contractor PMAs are
used to implement the extension and the contraction sections respectively. Five actuators a... Read More about Design of two segments continuum robot arm based on pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA).

A reversible and imperceptible watermarking scheme for MR images authentication (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Qasim, A., Meziane, F., & Aspin, R. (2018, September). A reversible and imperceptible watermarking scheme for MR images authentication. Presented at The 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'18), Newcastle, UK

This paper presents a novel reversible and imperceptible watermarking technique to detect intentional and accidental alterations within brain Magnetic Resonance
(MR) images. Authentication data is embedded into the
informative part of the medical i... Read More about A reversible and imperceptible watermarking scheme for MR images authentication.

Automated glioma grading based on an efficient ensemble design of a multiple classifier system using deep iteration neural networks matrix (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Zurfi, A., Meziane, F., & Aspin, R. (2018, September). Automated glioma grading based on an efficient ensemble design of a multiple classifier system using deep iteration neural networks matrix. Presented at The 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'18), Newcastle, UK

The preoperative diagnosis of brain Glioma grades
is crucial for therapeutic planning as it impacts on the tumour’s prognosis. The development of machine learning methods that can accurately evaluate Glioma grades is of great interest since it is a... Read More about Automated glioma grading based on an efficient ensemble design of a multiple classifier system using deep iteration neural networks matrix.

Gradual and shared immersion in virtual reality exposure therapy (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Roberts, D., Barrett, A., Landowska, A., & Roberts, D. (2018, September). Gradual and shared immersion in virtual reality exposure therapy. Presented at International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Nottingham, UK

Classification of advance malware for autonomous vehicles by using stochastic logic (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Alsadat tabatabaei, S., Saraee, M., & Dehghantanha, A. (2018, September). Classification of advance malware for autonomous vehicles by using stochastic logic. Presented at 11th IEEE International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering DeSE2018, Cambridge, UK

Connectivity of vehicles allows the seamless power of communication over the internet but is not without its cyber
risks. Many IoT communication systems - such as vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-roadside - may require latencies
below a few tens of... Read More about Classification of advance malware for autonomous vehicles by using stochastic logic.

Diabetes self-management system : review of existing systems and potential enhancements (2018)
Presentation / Conference
systems and potential enhancements. Presented at 11th IEEE International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE2018), Cambridge, UK

Diabetes is a global pandemic with growing devastating human, social and economic impacts. By 2025 it is estimated that in the UK five million people will be diagnosed with diabetes and by 2030 diabetes will claim three lives every ten minutes. Accor... Read More about Diabetes self-management system : review of existing systems and potential enhancements.

EMA-LAB: Efficient Multi Authorisation Level Attribute Based Access Control (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Belguith, S., Kaaniche, N., & Russello, G. (2018, August). EMA-LAB: Efficient Multi Authorisation Level Attribute Based Access Control. Presented at International Conference on Network and System Security, Hong Kong, China

Recent years have witnessed the trend of increasingly relying on remote and distributed infrastructures. This increases the complexity of access control to data, where access control policies should be flexible and distinguishable among users with di... Read More about EMA-LAB: Efficient Multi Authorisation Level Attribute Based Access Control.

An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Ahangar Asr, A., & Javadi, A. (2018, August). An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils. Presented at The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils UNSAT2018, Hong Kong, China

Effective stress parameter affects the stress equation and is implemented to calculate the effective stress value which directly influences deformations and failures in unsaturated soils. Evolutionary polynomial regression is a data mining-based tech... Read More about An evolutionary-based modelling approach for predicting the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils.

Preserving access pattern privacy in SGX-assisted encrypted search (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Cui, S., Belguith, S., Zhang, M., Asghar, M., & Russello, G. (2018, July). Preserving access pattern privacy in SGX-assisted encrypted search. Presented at International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), Hangzhou, China

Outsourcing sensitive data and operations to untrusted cloud providers is considered a challenging issue. To
perform a search operation, even if both the data and the query are encrypted, attackers still can learn which data locations match the quer... Read More about Preserving access pattern privacy in SGX-assisted encrypted search.

Analyzing data streams using a dynamic compact stream pattern algorithm (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Oyewale, A., Hughes, C., & Saraee, M. (2018, July). Analyzing data streams using a dynamic compact stream pattern algorithm. Presented at The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, Barcelona, Spain

In order to succeed in the global competition, organizations need to understand and monitor the rate of data influx. The acquisition of continuous data has been extremely outstretched as a concern in many fields. Recently, frequent patterns in data s... Read More about Analyzing data streams using a dynamic compact stream pattern algorithm.

An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Oleiwi, H., Wang, Y., Xiang, N., Augusthus Nelson, L., Chen, X., & Shabalin, I. (2018, July). An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement. Presented at Sixth International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, University of Leeds, UK

Electrical resistivity, a measurable parameter of the state of concrete, plays an important role in the assessment of reinforced concrete structures. An experimental study using two-electrode method has been conducted to evaluate the resistivity of P... Read More about An experimental study of concrete resistivity and the effects of electrode configuration and current frequency on measurement.

Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Qaftan, O., Weekes, L., Toma-Sabbagh, T., & Augusthus Nelson, L. (2018, June). Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects. Presented at 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece

When conducting earthquake simulation tests, one of the main concerns is the modelling of boundary effects created by artificial boundaries of a soil model container. The function of this soil container is to hold the soil in place during the excitat... Read More about Experimental & numerical simulation of soil boundary conditions under dynamic effects.

Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Alateya, H., & Ahangar Asr, A. (2018, June). Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams. Presented at 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) & 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), Glasgow, UK

Seepage through earth dams is one of the main reasons of sudden earth dam failures through weakening the earth dam structure and the piping phenomenon. Cavities existence under the hydraulic structures can lead to heavy structural financial damages a... Read More about Numerical analysis of the influence of cavities on seepage through earth dams.