A new data science framework for analysing and mining geospatial big data
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., & Silva, H. (2018, April). A new data science framework for analysing and mining geospatial big data. Presented at International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2018), Prague, Czech Republic
Numerical and experimental transition results evaluation for a morphing wing and aileron system (2018)
Journal Article
A new wing-tip concept with morphing upper surface and interchangeable conventional and morphing ailerons was designed, manufactured, bench and wind tunnel tested. The development of this wing tip model was performed in the frame of an international... Read More about Numerical and experimental transition results evaluation for a morphing wing and aileron system.
Secure publish and subscribe systems with efficient revocation (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Belguith, S., Cui, S., Asghar, M., & Russello, G. (2018, April). Secure publish and subscribe systems with efficient revocation. Presented at ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Pau, FranceUser revocation is one of the main security issues in publish
and subscribe (pub/sub) systems. Indeed, to ensure data confidentiality, the system should be able to remove malicious
subscribers without affecting the functionalities and decoupling of... Read More about Secure publish and subscribe systems with efficient revocation.
Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper (2018)
Journal Article
Dsouza, R., Navin, K., Theodoridis, T., & Sharma, P. (2018). Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper. Microsystem Technologies, 24(9), 3867-3883. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-018-3861-yThis paper presents the development of a monolithic two degrees of freedom (2 DOF), piezoelectric actuated microgripper for the manipulation of micro-objects. Micromanipulation and microassembly are the major subjects of interest in recent times and... Read More about Design, fabrication and testing of a 2 DOF compliant flexural microgripper.
Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Nawasrah, A., Al-Momani, A., Meziane, F., & Alauthman, M. (2018, April). Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm. Presented at The 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2018), Irbid, JordanA botnet, a set of compromised machines controlled
distantly by an attacker, is the basis of numerous security threats around the world. Command and Control servers are the backbones of botnet communications, where the bots and botmasters send repor... Read More about Fast flux botnet detection framework using adaptive dynamic evolving spiking neural network algorithm.
Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain (2018)
Journal Article
Ghoulam, A., Barigou, F., Belalem, G., & Meziane, F. (2018). Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 14(3), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJIIT.2018070101Many users’ queries contain references to named entities, and this is particularly true in the medical field. Doctors express their information needs using medical entities as they are elements rich with information that helps to better target the re... Read More about Query expansion using medical information extraction for improving information retrieval in French medical domain.
Long term durability properties of concrete modified with metakaolin and polymer admixture (2018)
Journal Article
Al Menhosh, A., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., & Augusthus Nelson, L. (2018). Long term durability properties of concrete modified with metakaolin and polymer admixture. Construction and Building Materials, 172, 41-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.215Previous studies show that both metakaolin (MK) and polymer can respectively improve certain mechanical and durability properties of concrete. Also, recent studies show that a combination of MK and polymer further enhances the mechanical properties b... Read More about Long term durability properties of concrete modified with metakaolin and polymer admixture.
Latency reduction by dynamic channel estimator selection in C-RAN networks using fuzzy logic (2018)
Journal Article
Mahmood, A., Al-Yasiri, A., & Alani, O. (2018). Latency reduction by dynamic channel estimator selection in C-RAN networks using fuzzy logic. Computer Networks, 138, 44-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.03.027Due to a dramatic increase in the number of
mobile users, operators are forced to expand their networks
accordingly. Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) was
introduced to tackle the problems of the current generation of
mobile networks and to supp... Read More about Latency reduction by dynamic channel estimator selection in C-RAN networks using fuzzy logic.
Energy saving and reliability for Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN) (2018)
Journal Article
Alshaheen, H., & Takruri-Rizk, H. (2018). Energy saving and reliability for Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN). IEEE Access, 6, 16678-16695. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2817025In healthcare and medical applications, the energy consumption of biosensor nodes affects the collection of biomedical data packets, which are sensed and measured from the human body and then transmitted toward the sink node. Nodes that are near to t... Read More about Energy saving and reliability for Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN).
Optimisation of inspection policy for multi-line production systems (2018)
Journal Article
Zahedi-Hosseini, F., Syntetos, A., & Scarf, P. (2018). Optimisation of inspection policy for multi-line production systems. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 12(2), 233. https://doi.org/10.1504/EJIE.2018.090616This paper develops a simulation model to determine the cost-optimum inspection policy for a multi-line production system taking account of simultaneous downtime. The machines in the multi-line system are subject to a two stage failure process that i... Read More about Optimisation of inspection policy for multi-line production systems.
Dynamics, thermodynamics and structure of liquids and supercritical fluids : crossover at the Frenkel line (2018)
Journal Article
We review recent work aimed at understanding dynamical and thermodynamic properties of liquids and supercritical fluids. The focus of our discussion is on solid-like transverse collective modes, whose evolution in the supercritical fluids enables one... Read More about Dynamics, thermodynamics and structure of liquids and supercritical fluids : crossover at the Frenkel line.
Numerical study of the circular cylinder in supersonic ground effect conditions (2018)
Journal Article
Sugar-Gabor, O. (2018). Numerical study of the circular cylinder in supersonic ground effect conditions. International review of aerospace engineering (CD-ROM), 11(1), https://doi.org/10.15866/irease.v11i1.13696A numerical study of the aerodynamics of a circular cylinder section in proximity to the ground surface was performed, for Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.9 and ground clearances between 2 and 0.125, non-dimensional with respect to the cylinder diameter. T... Read More about Numerical study of the circular cylinder in supersonic ground effect conditions.
Consolidate the identity management systems to identify the effective actor based on the actors relationship for the Internet of Things (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Majeed, A., & Al-Yasiri, A. (2018, February). Consolidate the identity management systems to identify the effective actor based on the actors relationship for the Internet of Things. Presented at Third International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, London, UKService providers in the Internet of Things need to truly establish the identity of the user(s) as the effective actor(s) (EA) identity rather than the communicating objects to offer the right services. Objects are seamlessly interconnected by anyone... Read More about Consolidate the identity management systems to identify the effective actor based on the actors relationship for the Internet of Things.
Elicitation of expert knowledge to inform object-based audio rendering to different systems (2018)
Journal Article
rendering to different systems. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 66(1/2), 44-59. https://doi.org/10.17743/jaes.2018.0001Object-based audio presents the opportunity to optimise audio reproduction for different listening scenarios. Vector base amplitude panning (VBAP) is typically used to render object-based scenes. Optimizing this process based on knowledge of the perc... Read More about Elicitation of expert knowledge to inform object-based audio rendering to different systems.
Improved capacity and fairness of massive machine type communications in millimetre wave 5G network (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Falahy, N., & Alani, O. (2018). Improved capacity and fairness of massive machine type communications in millimetre wave 5G network. Computers, 7(1), https://doi.org/10.3390/computers7010016In the Fifth Generation (5G) wireless standard, the Internet of Things (IoT) will interconnect billions of Machine Type Communications (MTC) devices. Fixed and mobile wearable devices and sensors are expected to contribute to the majority of IoT traf... Read More about Improved capacity and fairness of massive machine type communications in millimetre wave 5G network.
MDSClone : multidimensional scaling aided clone detection in Internet of Things (2018)
Journal Article
Po-Yen, L., Chia-Mu, Y., Dargahi, T., Mauro, C., & Giuseppe, B. (2018). MDSClone : multidimensional scaling aided clone detection in Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 99, https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2018.2805291Cloning is a very serious threat in the Internet of Things (IoT), owing to the simplicity for an attacker to gather configuration and authentication credentials from a non-tamper-proof node, and replicate it in the network. In this paper, we propose... Read More about MDSClone : multidimensional scaling aided clone detection in Internet of Things.
Finding influential users for different time bounds in social networks using multi-objective optimization (2018)
Journal Article
Mohammadi, A., & Saraee, M. (2018). Finding influential users for different time bounds in social networks using multi-objective optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 40, 158-165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.swevo.2018.02.003Online social networks play an important role in marketing services. Influence maximization is a major challenge, in which the goal is to find the most influential users in a social network. Increasing the number of influenced users at the end of a d... Read More about Finding influential users for different time bounds in social networks using multi-objective optimization.
PHOABE : securely outsourcing multi-authority attribute based encryption with policy hidden for cloud assisted IoT (2018)
Journal Article
Belguith, S., Kaaniche, N., Laurent, M., Jemai, A., & Attia, R. (2018). PHOABE : securely outsourcing multi-authority attribute based encryption with policy hidden for cloud assisted IoT. Computer Networks, 133, 141-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.01.036Attribute based encryption (ABE) is an encrypted access control mechanism that ensures efficient data sharing among dynamic group of users. Nevertheless, this encryption technique presents two main drawbacks, namely high decryption cost and publicly... Read More about PHOABE : securely outsourcing multi-authority attribute based encryption with policy hidden for cloud assisted IoT.
Planning and optimisation of 4G/5G mobile networks and beyond (2018)
Egena, O. Planning and optimisation of 4G/5G mobile networks and beyond. (Thesis). The University of SalfordAs mobile networks continue to evolve, two major problems have always existed that greatly affect the quality of service that users experience. These problems are (1) efficient resource management for users at the edge of the network and those in a n... Read More about Planning and optimisation of 4G/5G mobile networks and beyond.
Roll to roll atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced CVD of titania as a step towards the realisation of large area perovskite solar cell technology (2018)
Journal Article
Hodgkinson, J., Yates, H., Walter, A., Sacchetto, D., Moon, S., & Nicolay, S. (2018). Roll to roll atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced CVD of titania as a step towards the realisation of large area perovskite solar cell technology. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(8), 1988-1995. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8tc00110cAtmospheric pressure plasma enhanced CVD (AP PECVD) systems have attracted considerable interest
in recent years due to the significant benefits for large area, low cost substrates and low temperature
operation. In this work we describe the use of... Read More about Roll to roll atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced CVD of titania as a step towards the realisation of large area perovskite solar cell technology.
Showing 81 - 100 of 103 results