Recent developments in quasi-3D aerodynamic methods for multidisciplinary aircraft conceptual design studies
Book Chapter
Sugar-Gabor, O., & Koreanschi, A. (2021). Recent developments in quasi-3D aerodynamic methods for multidisciplinary aircraft conceptual design studies. In M. Moatamedi, T. Rahulan, & M. Souli (Eds.), Multiphysics Simulations in Automotive and Aerospace Applications (155-186). Elsevier
Psychophysiological approaches to sound and music in games (2021)
Book Chapter
Williams, D. (2021). Psychophysiological approaches to sound and music in games. In M. Fritsch, & T. Summers (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music (302-318). Cambridge University Press (CUP). research investigating sound and music has increasingly been adapted to the evaluation of soundtracking for games, and is now being considered in the development and design stages of some titles. This chapter summarizes the main finding... Read More about Psychophysiological approaches to sound and music in games.