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Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Latief, R., Al‐Mosawe, H., Mohammad, H., Albayati, A., & Haynes, B. (2021). Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt. Sustainability, 13(24), 13828.

Recently, interest in the use of projectiles in research on recycling waste materials for construction applications has grown. Using recycled materials for the construction of asphalt concrete pavement, in the meantime, has become a topic of research... Read More about Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt.

Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks (2021)
Journal Article
Sugar-Gabor, O. (2021). Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 66(1), 36-50.

A non-intrusive reduced-order model for nonlinear parametric flow
problems is developed. It is based on extracting a reduced-order basis from
full-order snapshots via proper orthogonal decomposition and using both deep
and shallow neural network a... Read More about Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks.

IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review (2021)
Journal Article
Mansouri, T., Moghadam, M., Monshizadeh, F., & Zareravasan, A. (2021). IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review. Computer Journal,

In the Internet of Things (IoT), data gathered from dozens of devices are the base for creating business value and developing new products and services. If data are of poor quality, decisions are likely to be non-sense. Data quality is crucial to gai... Read More about IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review.

An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time (2021)
Journal Article
Xiu, Z., Wang, S., Ji, Y., Wang, F., Ren, F., & Wang, P. (2021). An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time. Construction and Building Materials, 313, 125554.

The strength of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) is gradually enhanced with the increase of curing time. It is of great significance to study the stress-strain behaviors of CPB with different curing time under triaxial loading conditions. The triaxial... Read More about An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time.

An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications (2021)
Journal Article
Abbas, A., Hossein, H., Burby, M., & Idoko, J. (2021). An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications. Gases, 1(4), 156-179.

As an alternative to the construction of new infrastructure, repurposing existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen transportation has been identified as a low-cost strategy for substituting natural gas with hydrogen in the wake of the energy transi... Read More about An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications.

Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure (2021)
Journal Article
Augusthus Nelson, L., Lees, J., & Weekes, L. (2022). Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 259, 107987.

Fracture-based models commonly use a characteristic length as the basis for
determining size effects in concrete beams. The characteristic length is related
to the concrete fracture process zone and defined in terms of the concrete fracture propert... Read More about Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure.

Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines (2021)
Journal Article
Pruteanu, C., Proctor, J., Alderman, O., & Loveday, J. (2021). Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(31), 8902-8906.

We have performed a neutron scattering experiment on supercritical
uid nitrogen
at 160 K (1.27 TC) over a wide pressure range (7.8 MPa / 0.260 g/ml to 125 MPa /
0.805 g/ml). This has enabled us to study the process by which nitrogen changes from... Read More about Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines.

An FCM-based dynamic modeling of operability and maintainability barriers in road projects (2021)
Journal Article
Ghaleenoei, N., Saghatforoush, E., Mansouri, T., & Zareravasan, A. (2021). An FCM-based dynamic modeling of operability and maintainability barriers in road projects. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology,

Building a new road infrastructure in the country leads to economic and industrial growth. A massive amount of money is paid by governments to build them; however, they fail due to many reasons related to operability and maintainability (O&M) issues.... Read More about An FCM-based dynamic modeling of operability and maintainability barriers in road projects.

Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon (2021)
Journal Article
Hughes, M. A., Panjwani, N. A., Urdampilleta, M., Homewood, K. P., Murdin, B., & Carey, J. D. (2021). Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon. Applied Physics Letters, 118(19), 194001.

Erbium implanted silicon as a quantum technology platform has both telecommunications and integrated circuit processing compatibility. In Si implanted with Er to a concentration of 3 × 1017 cm−3 and O to a concentration of 1020 cm−3, the electron spi... Read More about Spin echo from erbium implanted silicon.

Psychoacoustic analysis of contra-rotating propeller noise for unmanned aerial vehicles (2021)
Journal Article
Torija Martinez, A. J., Paruchuri, C., & Zhengguang, L. (2021). Psychoacoustic analysis of contra-rotating propeller noise for unmanned aerial vehicles. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 149(2), 835-846.

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies are rapidly advancing due to the unlimited number of applications from parcel delivery to people transportation. As the UAV market expands, community noise impact will become a significant problem for public... Read More about Psychoacoustic analysis of contra-rotating propeller noise for unmanned aerial vehicles.

The effect of metakaolin and hybrid polymers on the microstructure of concrete (2021)
Journal Article
concrete. Periodicals of engineering and natural sciences, 9(1), 162-173

It has been established that metakaolin (MK) can be applied as a supplementary cementitious material and
that some polymers can enhance substantial properties of concrete. Previous studies showed that, when used
in combination, MK and polymers can... Read More about The effect of metakaolin and hybrid polymers on the microstructure of concrete.

Performance enhancement of a thermoelectric harvester with a PCM/metal foam composite (2021)
Journal Article
Borhani, S., Hosseini, M., Pakrouh, R., Ranjabr, A., & Nourian, A. (2021). Performance enhancement of a thermoelectric harvester with a PCM/metal foam composite. Renewable Energy, 168, 1122-1140.

The present numerical investigation examines the performance improvement of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) by using phase change materials (PCM) and porous medium. Due to the high latent heat of PCMs, both sides of the TEG were filled with paraffin... Read More about Performance enhancement of a thermoelectric harvester with a PCM/metal foam composite.