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Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Johnson, A., Nasr, G., Nourian, A., & Abba, M. (2021, August). Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions. Presented at ICLASS 2021, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Edinburgh, UK

For past decades, various industries, such as oil and gas, have come to realisation that using water-based spraying systems, with fine very fine droplets should be the preferred option in mitigating and suppressing the thermal explosions. Previous st... Read More about Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions.

Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Darvan, A., Kebriaee, A., Nouri-Borujerdi, A., & Nourian, A. (2021, August). Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant. Presented at ICLASS 2021, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Edinburgh, UK

The utilization of liquid and solid fuels for propulsion and combustion processes with Newtonian characteristics are widely known. However, recent studies are considering the application of shear-thinning non-Newtonian fuels as alternative simulant s... Read More about Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant.