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In celebration of the K8 telephone kiosk – Britain’s last red, cast-iron phonebox (2020)
Journal Article
Linge, N., Sutton, A., Hurley, A., & Johannessen, N. (2020). In celebration of the K8 telephone kiosk – Britain’s last red, cast-iron phonebox. Industrial Archaeology Review, 42(2), 141-153.

Whilst every country in the world has introduced phoneboxes onto its streets, the UK stands alone in having adopted the red phonebox as a symbol of its national identity. However, that symbol is of phonebox designs produced by Giles Gilbert Scott... Read More about In celebration of the K8 telephone kiosk – Britain’s last red, cast-iron phonebox.

Low-complexity non-intrusive load monitoring using unsupervised learning and generalized appliance models (2019)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Kamoto, K., Liu, X., Sun, M., & Linge, N. (2019). Low-complexity non-intrusive load monitoring using unsupervised learning and generalized appliance models. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 65(1), 28-37.

Awareness of electric energy usage has both societal and economic benefits, which include reduced energy bills and stress on non-renewable energy sources. In recent years, there has been a surge in interest in the field of load monitoring, also refer... Read More about Low-complexity non-intrusive load monitoring using unsupervised learning and generalized appliance models.

The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Odum, R., Hill, S., von Hünerbein, S., Linnebank, P., Sutton, A., & Townend, D. (2018, November). The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks. Presented at Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2018 (LAPC2018), Loughborough, UK

There is growing interest in the use of millimetre-wave spectrum as a potential candidate for the provision of high capacity, short range, back-haul solutions within future 5G ultra-dense network infrastructures. However, it is recognised that these... Read More about The impact of atmospheric pressure on the performance of 60GHz point to point links within 5G networks.

Atmospheric impact on the performance of a 60GHz point-to-point link for 5G infrastructures (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Odum, R., Hill, S., von Hünerbein, S., Linnebank, P., Sutton, A., & Townend, D. (2018, April). Atmospheric impact on the performance of a 60GHz point-to-point link for 5G infrastructures. Poster presented at 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK

There is growing interest in the use of millimeter-wave spectrum as a potential candidate for the provision of high capacity, short range, back-haul solutions within future 5G ultra-dense network infrastructures. However, it is recognized that these... Read More about Atmospheric impact on the performance of a 60GHz point-to-point link for 5G infrastructures.

30 years of mobile phones in the UK (2015)
Linge, N., & Sutton, A. (2015). 30 years of mobile phones in the UK. Amberley Publishing

In 1985, the seeds of a revolution were sown in the UK when people were first able to communicate using one of the most remarkable items of personal technology to have been developed – the mobile phone. The authors, both acknowledged experts in this... Read More about 30 years of mobile phones in the UK.

EECD : a code dissemination protocol in a WSN-based Home Energy Management System (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, Q., Shen, J., Xiao, B., Wang, B., & Linge, N. (2015, January). EECD : a code dissemination protocol in a WSN-based Home Energy Management System. Presented at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV USA

A WSN enabled Home Energy Management System (HEMS) can achieve user behaviour change by providing real-time feedback of domestic energy consumption. However, features in collecting nodes within HEMS Systems need to change to allow new working pattern... Read More about EECD : a code dissemination protocol in a WSN-based Home Energy Management System.

Smart cloud search services: verifiable keyword-based semantic search over encrypted cloud data (2014)
Journal Article
Fu, Z., Shu, J., Sun, X., & Linge, N. (2014). Smart cloud search services: verifiable keyword-based semantic search over encrypted cloud data. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60(4), 762-770.

With the increasing popularity of the pay-as-you- consume cloud computing paradigm, a large number of cloud services are pushed to consumers. One hand, it brings great convenience to consumers who use intelligent terminals; on the other hand, consume... Read More about Smart cloud search services: verifiable keyword-based semantic search over encrypted cloud data.

Achieving effective cloud search services: multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data supporting synonym query (2014)
Journal Article
Fu, Z., Sun, X., Linge, N., & Zhou, L. (2014). Achieving effective cloud search services: multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data supporting synonym query. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60(1), 164-172.

In recent years, consumer-centric cloud computing paradigm has emerged as the development of smart electronic devices combined with the emerging cloud computing technologies. A variety of cloud services are delivered to the consumers with the premise... Read More about Achieving effective cloud search services: multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data supporting synonym query.

The archaeology of communications' digital age (2013)
Journal Article
Linge, N. (2013). The archaeology of communications' digital age. Industrial Archaeology Review, 35(1), 45-64.

This paper reviews the history of the digital age of communications that began with the invention of the stored program computer in 1948 and is today realised by the World Wide Web, super fast broadband and the smart phone. Taking a predominantly UK... Read More about The archaeology of communications' digital age.

An approach to context representation discovery and sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks (2013)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Linge, N., & Hope, M. (2013). An approach to context representation discovery and sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks. Information (Online), 16(2B), 1447-1456

The representation, discovery and exchange of context information in a mobile ad-hoc environment is challenging due to the dynamic nature of node movement and interaction. In this paper we present a new approach to context exchange that organizes the... Read More about An approach to context representation discovery and sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks.

DEHEMS: Creating a digital environment for large-scale energy management at homes (2013)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Cooper, G., Linge, N., Takruri, H., & Sowden, R. (2013). DEHEMS: Creating a digital environment for large-scale energy management at homes. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 59(1), 62-69

Located at the consumer-end of the Smart Grid, domestic energy monitoring and management systems aim to provide direct energy feedback whilst (or shortly after) consumption occurs, so as to persuade users to achieve energy saving and efficiency. Howe... Read More about DEHEMS: Creating a digital environment for large-scale energy management at homes.

An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment (2012)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Linge, N., Wang, J., Ji, S., & Ma, T. (2012). An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment. International journal of grid and distributed computing (Print. 2008), 5(4), 21-32

Complete integration and interaction of network objects can be achieved in a mobile adhoc environment. Yet, the dynamic nature of free movement and interaction among these objects also brings challenges on information representation, processing and c... Read More about An context-aware management and control mechanism in a mobile ad-hoc environment.

Implementation of automatic gas monitoring in a domestic energy management system (2012)
Journal Article
Liu, Q., Linge, N., & Lynch, V. (2012). Implementation of automatic gas monitoring in a domestic energy management system. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 58(3), 781-786.

A domestic energy management system provides effective positive behaviour change by offering end users direct and ambient feedback based on their monitored energy consumption and experiences. DEHEMS, as a wide scale domestic energy monitoring and man... Read More about Implementation of automatic gas monitoring in a domestic energy management system.

DEHEMS: empowering the domestic energy consumer with persuasive interfaces (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Sundramoorthy, V., Cooper, G., & Linge, N. (2010, April). DEHEMS: empowering the domestic energy consumer with persuasive interfaces. Presented at 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Atlanta

Globally, there is rising concern about the impact of energy consumption on the environment, coinciding with increasing energy costs. The Digital Environment Home Energy Management System (DEHEMS) project aims to provide householders with persuasive... Read More about DEHEMS: empowering the domestic energy consumer with persuasive interfaces.

A novel platform for context maintenance and discovery in a ubiquitous environment (2008)
Book Chapter
Liu, Q., & Linge, N. (2008). A novel platform for context maintenance and discovery in a ubiquitous environment. In M. Guo, Z. Wang, F. Tang, & C. Xu (Eds.), IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 2008. EUC '08 (565-570). Los Alamitos, California, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Context maintenance and discovery, which aim to represent, manage and share context information, have been discussed since context-awareness was presented in the 1990s. These become more challenging when being applied to a ubiquitous environment wher... Read More about A novel platform for context maintenance and discovery in a ubiquitous environment.

mi-guide: a wireless context driven information system for museum visitors (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Bates, D., Holgate, R., Parsons, D., Webb, P., Hay, D., & Ward, D. (2007, June). mi-guide: a wireless context driven information system for museum visitors. Presented at 1st International Joint Workshop on Wireless Ubiquitous Computing (WUC 2007), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

The growth in wireless and mobile communications technologies offers many new opportunities for museums who are constantly striving to improve their overall visitor experience. There is considerable interest in the use
of context-aware services to t... Read More about mi-guide: a wireless context driven information system for museum visitors.

Active router approach to defeating denial-of-service attacks in networks (2007)
Journal Article
El-Moussa, F., Linge, N., & Hope, M. (2007). Active router approach to defeating denial-of-service attacks in networks. IET Communications, 1(1), 55-63.

Denial-of-service attacks represent a major threat to modern organisations who are increasingly dependent on the integrity of their computer networks. A new approach to combating such threats introduces active routers into the network architecture. T... Read More about Active router approach to defeating denial-of-service attacks in networks.

Problem-based learning as an effective tool for teaching computer network design (2006)
Journal Article
Linge, N., & Parsons, D. (2006). Problem-based learning as an effective tool for teaching computer network design. IEEE Transactions on Education, 49(1), 5-10.

This paper addresses the challenge of developing techniques for the effective teaching of computer network design. It reports on the experience of using the technique of problem-based learning as a key pedagogical method for teaching practical networ... Read More about Problem-based learning as an effective tool for teaching computer network design.

Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions (2003)
Presentation / Conference
Linge, N., Bates, D., Ritchings, T., & Chrisp, T. (2003, November). Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions. Presented at Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2003), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Our previous research identified clear business benefits
and the need for an intelligent information flow algorithm
that could match information delivery requirements for
mobile workers to the capability of the delivery networks.
The primary mech... Read More about Designing a context-aware distributed system: asking the key questions.

Personalised energy monitoring systems : SUMMER project research outline
Presentation / Conference
Hughes, T., Linge, N., & Hill, S. Personalised energy monitoring systems : SUMMER project research outline. Presented at PGNET 2012 : the 13th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking & Broadcasting, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom

A lot of research has been carried out on the energy
consumption of buildings and appliances. Very little has been
conducted into how people use energy, especially in the home
where they are difficult to observe. This paper presents an
outl... Read More about Personalised energy monitoring systems : SUMMER project research outline.