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Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Latief, R., Al‐Mosawe, H., Mohammad, H., Albayati, A., & Haynes, B. (2021). Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt. Sustainability, 13(24), 13828.

Recently, interest in the use of projectiles in research on recycling waste materials for construction applications has grown. Using recycled materials for the construction of asphalt concrete pavement, in the meantime, has become a topic of research... Read More about Influence of iron filing waste on the performance of warm mix asphalt.

Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks (2021)
Journal Article
Sugar-Gabor, O. (2021). Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 66(1), 36-50.

A non-intrusive reduced-order model for nonlinear parametric flow
problems is developed. It is based on extracting a reduced-order basis from
full-order snapshots via proper orthogonal decomposition and using both deep
and shallow neural network a... Read More about Reduced-order modelling of parameterised incompressible and compressible unsteady flow problems using deep neural networks.

IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review (2021)
Journal Article
Mansouri, T., Moghadam, M., Monshizadeh, F., & Zareravasan, A. (2021). IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review. Computer Journal,

In the Internet of Things (IoT), data gathered from dozens of devices are the base for creating business value and developing new products and services. If data are of poor quality, decisions are likely to be non-sense. Data quality is crucial to gai... Read More about IoT data quality issues and potential solutions: a literature review.

An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time (2021)
Journal Article
Xiu, Z., Wang, S., Ji, Y., Wang, F., Ren, F., & Wang, P. (2021). An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time. Construction and Building Materials, 313, 125554.

The strength of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) is gradually enhanced with the increase of curing time. It is of great significance to study the stress-strain behaviors of CPB with different curing time under triaxial loading conditions. The triaxial... Read More about An analytical model for the triaxial compressive stress-strain relationships of Cemented Pasted Backfill (CPB) with different curing time.

An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications (2021)
Journal Article
Abbas, A., Hossein, H., Burby, M., & Idoko, J. (2021). An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications. Gases, 1(4), 156-179.

As an alternative to the construction of new infrastructure, repurposing existing natural gas pipelines for hydrogen transportation has been identified as a low-cost strategy for substituting natural gas with hydrogen in the wake of the energy transi... Read More about An investigation into the volumetric flow rate requirement of hydrogen transportation in existing natural gas pipelines and its safety implications.

Towards securing machine learning models against membership inference attacks (2021)
Journal Article
Ben Hamida, S., Mrabet, H., Belguith, S., Alhomoud, A., & Jemai, A. (2022). Towards securing machine learning models against membership inference attacks. Computers, Materials & Continua, 70(3), 4897-4919.

From fraud detection to speech recognition, including price prediction,
Machine Learning (ML) applications are manifold and can significantly improve
different areas. Nevertheless, machine learning models are vulnerable and are
exposed to differen... Read More about Towards securing machine learning models against membership inference attacks.

Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure (2021)
Journal Article
Augusthus Nelson, L., Lees, J., & Weekes, L. (2022). Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 259, 107987.

Fracture-based models commonly use a characteristic length as the basis for
determining size effects in concrete beams. The characteristic length is related
to the concrete fracture process zone and defined in terms of the concrete fracture propert... Read More about Size effects in unreinforced and lightly reinforced concrete beams failing in flexure.

A new deep wavefront based model for text localization in 3D video (2021)
Journal Article
Nandanwar, L., Shivakumara, P., Ramachandra, R., Lu, T., Pal, U., Antonacopoulos, A., & Lu, Y. (2021). A new deep wavefront based model for text localization in 3D video. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(6), 3375-3389.

With the evolution of electronic devices, such as 3D cameras, addressing the challenges of text localization in 3D video (e.g., for indexing) is increasingly drawing the attention of the multimedia and video processing community. Existing methods foc... Read More about A new deep wavefront based model for text localization in 3D video.

Clarity-2021 challenges : machine learning challenges for advancing hearing aid processing (2021)
Journal Article
Graetzer, S., Barker, J., Cox, T., Akeroyd, M., Culling, J., Naylor, G., …Viveros Munoz, R. (2021). Clarity-2021 challenges : machine learning challenges for advancing hearing aid processing.

In recent years, rapid advances in speech technology have been made possible by machine learning challenges such as CHiME, REVERB, Blizzard, and Hurricane. In the Clarity project, the machine learning approach is applied to the problem of hearing aid... Read More about Clarity-2021 challenges : machine learning challenges for advancing hearing aid processing.

Effects of pressure decay on Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) species distribution in domestic aerosol sprays with LPG propellants (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Abba, M., Naeem, Z., Nourian, A., & Nasr, G. (2021). Effects of pressure decay on Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) species distribution in domestic aerosol sprays with LPG propellants. .

Conventional aerosols sprays contain different Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). These organic compounds have different properties and can have detrimental impact on air quality. This study investigated the spray performance and variation of the type... Read More about Effects of pressure decay on Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) species distribution in domestic aerosol sprays with LPG propellants.

Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Darvan, A., Kebriaee, A., Nouri-Borujerdi, A., & Nourian, A. (2021, August). Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant. Presented at ICLASS 2021, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Edinburgh, UK

The utilization of liquid and solid fuels for propulsion and combustion processes with Newtonian characteristics are widely known. However, recent studies are considering the application of shear-thinning non-Newtonian fuels as alternative simulant s... Read More about Qualitative analysis of spray characteristics of impinging jets using a gelled non-Newtonian propellant simulant.

Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Johnson, A., Nasr, G., Nourian, A., & Abba, M. (2021, August). Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions. Presented at ICLASS 2021, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Edinburgh, UK

For past decades, various industries, such as oil and gas, have come to realisation that using water-based spraying systems, with fine very fine droplets should be the preferred option in mitigating and suppressing the thermal explosions. Previous st... Read More about Qualitative investigating on the effect of fine water spray and its orientation in mitigating vapour cloud explosions.

Generation and analysis of artificial warning sounds for electric scooters (2021)
Torija Martinez, A., Elliott, A., Harris, L., Podwinska, Z., Welham, C., Nicholls, R., …Williams, D. Generation and analysis of artificial warning sounds for electric scooters

• emTransit B.V (Dott) is a European mobility operator currently operating over 30,000 electric scooters in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and now the UK. The company aims to expand its UK operations and has recently won a tender for the Tra... Read More about Generation and analysis of artificial warning sounds for electric scooters.

Novel copper-catalysed coupling reactions of diphenylmethane (2021)
Breski, A. (in press). Novel copper-catalysed coupling reactions of diphenylmethane. (Dissertation). University of Salford

In this thesis, a novel synthesis of the drug fendiline was attempted. Fendiline was sold commercially as an angina therapeutic, and recent studies have shown that it is also anti-malarial and has activity against cancers with a high mortality rate.... Read More about Novel copper-catalysed coupling reactions of diphenylmethane.

A Stokes polarimetric light microscopy view of liquid crystal droplets (2021)
Journal Article
Gou, J., Shen, T., Bao, P., Ramos Angulo, J., & Evans, S. (2021). A Stokes polarimetric light microscopy view of liquid crystal droplets. Scientific reports, 11(1), 16329.

The optical characteristics of materials, such as their magnetooptical effects, birefringence, optical activities, linear and circular dichroism, are probed via the polarisation states of light transmitted through or reflected from the specimens. As... Read More about A Stokes polarimetric light microscopy view of liquid crystal droplets.

Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes (2021)
Brooke, D. Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes. (Thesis). University of Salford

The aim of this work is to design and test acoustic metamaterial absorbers particularly for mitigation of
low frequency sound of high intensity. The absorbers designed are formed of a series of plates with a
central perforation, separated by air... Read More about Acoustic metamaterials comprised of dead-end pores and black hole effect for low frequency sound absorption in linear and nonlinear regimes.

An investigation into human response to unmanned aerial vehicle noise (2021)
Journal Article
noise. NOISE-CON proceedings, 577-588.

It is predicted that urban air mobility, including the use of small to medium sized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) delivery systems, will be introduced into cities across the globe within the next 15 years. It is known, however, that noise is one of t... Read More about An investigation into human response to unmanned aerial vehicle noise.

Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines (2021)
Journal Article
Pruteanu, C., Proctor, J., Alderman, O., & Loveday, J. (2021). Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(31), 8902-8906.

We have performed a neutron scattering experiment on supercritical
uid nitrogen
at 160 K (1.27 TC) over a wide pressure range (7.8 MPa / 0.260 g/ml to 125 MPa /
0.805 g/ml). This has enabled us to study the process by which nitrogen changes from... Read More about Structural markers of the Frenkel line in the proximity of Widom lines.