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Graphene oxide interfaces in serum based autoantibody quantification (2014)
Journal Article
Xu, Q., Cheng, H., Lehr, J., Patil, A., & Davis, J. (2015). Graphene oxide interfaces in serum based autoantibody quantification. Analytical Chemistry, 87(1), 346-350.

A reliable quantification of protein markers will undoubtedly underpin profound developments in disease surveillance, diagnostics, and improved therapy. Although there potentially exist numerous means of achieving this, electrochemical impedimetric t... Read More about Graphene oxide interfaces in serum based autoantibody quantification.

Revealing DNA interactions with exogenous agents by surface-enhanced raman scattering (2014)
Journal Article
Masetti, M., Xie, H., Krpetic, Z., Recanatini, M., Alvarez-Puebla, R., & Guerrini, L. (2015). Revealing DNA interactions with exogenous agents by surface-enhanced raman scattering. Abstracts of papers / American Chemical Society, 137(1), 469-476.

The standard protocols for DNA analysis largely involve polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, DNA structures bound to chemical agents cannot be PCR-amplified, and therefore any sequence changes induced by external agents may be neglected. Thus, t... Read More about Revealing DNA interactions with exogenous agents by surface-enhanced raman scattering.

Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from healthcare and community facilities in Libya show a high level of resistance to fusidic acid (2014)
Journal Article
Warag, S., Foster, H., & Daw, M. (2014). Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from healthcare and community facilities in Libya show a high level of resistance to fusidic acid. Journal of infectious disease and therapy, 2(189),

Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen and is implicated in a wide variety of infections in the healthcare and community settings. The organism is often subcategorized as community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) or health care-associated MRS... Read More about Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from healthcare and community facilities in Libya show a high level of resistance to fusidic acid.

Thermodynamics of the self-assembly of non-ionic chromonic molecules using atomistic simulations. The case of TP6EO2M in aqueous solution (2014)
Journal Article
The case of TP6EO2M in aqueous solution. Soft Matter, 11(4), 680-691.

Atomistic molecular dynamic simulations have been performed for the non-ionic chromonic liquid crystal 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexa-(1,4,7-trioxa-octyl)-triphenylene (TP6EO2M) in aqueous solution. TP6EO2M molecules consist of a central poly-aromatic core (a tr... Read More about Thermodynamics of the self-assembly of non-ionic chromonic molecules using atomistic simulations. The case of TP6EO2M in aqueous solution.

Direct surface-enhanced raman scattering analysis of DNA duplexes (2014)
Journal Article
Guerrini, L., Krpetic, Z., Van Lierop, D., Alvarez-Puebla, R., & Graham, D. (2014). Direct surface-enhanced raman scattering analysis of DNA duplexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(4), 1144-1148.

The exploration of the genetic information carried by DNA has become a major scientific challenge. Routine DNA analysis, such as PCR, still suffers from important intrinsic limitations. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has emerged as an out... Read More about Direct surface-enhanced raman scattering analysis of DNA duplexes.

Anticancer phototherapy using activation of E-combretastatins by two-photon–induced isomerization (2014)
Journal Article
Hadfield, J., Bisby, R., Scherer, K., Botchway, S., & Parker, A. (2014). Anticancer phototherapy using activation of E-combretastatins by two-photon–induced isomerization. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(5), 1004-1.

The photoisomerization of relatively nontoxic E-combretastatins to clinically active Z-isomers is
shown to occur in solution through both one- and two-photon excitations at 340 and 625 nm, respectively.
The photoisomerization is also demonstrated t... Read More about Anticancer phototherapy using activation of E-combretastatins by two-photon–induced isomerization.

Aspergillus fumigatus proteases, Asp f 5 and Asp f 13, are essential for airway inflammation and remodelling in a murine inhalation model (2014)
Journal Article
Namvar, S., Warn, P., Farnell, E., Bromley, M., Fraczek, M., Bowyer, P., & Herrick, S. (2015). Aspergillus fumigatus proteases, Asp f 5 and Asp f 13, are essential for airway inflammation and remodelling in a murine inhalation model. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 45(5), 982-993.

BACKGROUND: In susceptible individuals, exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus can lead to the development of atopic lung diseases such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and severe asthma with fungal sensitization (SAFS). Protease allergen... Read More about Aspergillus fumigatus proteases, Asp f 5 and Asp f 13, are essential for airway inflammation and remodelling in a murine inhalation model.

Network analysis reveals that bacteria and fungi form modules that correlate independently with soil parameters (2014)
Journal Article
soil parameters. Environmental Microbiology, 17(8), 2677-2689.

Network and multivariate statistical analyses were
performed to determine interactions between bacterial
and fungal community terminal restriction length
polymorphisms as well as soil properties in paired
woodland and pasture sites. Canonical cor... Read More about Network analysis reveals that bacteria and fungi form modules that correlate independently with soil parameters.

Spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging in live cells of a cyano-substituted combretastatin (2014)
Journal Article
combretastatin. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 3, 211-218.

Fluorescence lifetime imaging has been used to observe the real-time uptake in live mammalian cells of a
combretastatin-type drug analogue that is a substituted stilbene with a cyano group at the bridging olefinic bond. Fluorescence spectra in a ran... Read More about Spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging in live cells of a cyano-substituted combretastatin.

Metabolic asymmetry in cancer : a “balancing act” that promotes tumor growth (2014)
Journal Article
Martinez-Outschoorn, U., Sotgia, F., & Lisanti, M. (2014). Metabolic asymmetry in cancer : a “balancing act” that promotes tumor growth. Cancer Cell, 26(1), 5-7.

Profound metabolic differences between cancer cells and fibroblasts promote tumorigenesis. A study by Valencia and colleagues in this issue of Cancer Cell supports this assertion. They observed that metabolic asymmetry in prostate tumors drives aggre... Read More about Metabolic asymmetry in cancer : a “balancing act” that promotes tumor growth.

The effects of 2',5'-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (TBQ) on calcium handling in rat ventricular myocytes (2014)
Journal Article
Greensmith, D., Miller, L., & Eisner, D. (2014). The effects of 2',5'-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (TBQ) on calcium handling in rat ventricular myocytes. Proceedings of the Physiological Society (Online), 31, PCA042

2',5'-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (TBQ) is a reversible inhibitor of SERCA, potentially making it a useful tool to study the effects of SERCA inhibition. It has been used in a variety of cell types including ventricular myocytes (1). However... Read More about The effects of 2',5'-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (TBQ) on calcium handling in rat ventricular myocytes.

Direct measurements of SR free Ca reveal the mechanism underlying the transient effects of RyR potentiation under physiological conditions (2014)
Journal Article
Greensmith, D., Galli, G., Trafford, A., & Eisner, D. (2014). Direct measurements of SR free Ca reveal the mechanism underlying the transient effects of RyR potentiation under physiological conditions. Cardiovascular Research, 103(4), 554-563.

AIMS: Most of the calcium that activates contraction is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through the ryanodine receptor (RyR). It is controversial whether activators of the RyR produce a maintained increase in the amplitude of the systol... Read More about Direct measurements of SR free Ca reveal the mechanism underlying the transient effects of RyR potentiation under physiological conditions.

Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework (2014)
Journal Article
Rich, E., & Miah, A. (2014). Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework. Societies, 4(2), 296-315.

This paper argues on behalf of a public pedagogy approach to developing a critical understanding of digital health technologies. It begins by appraising the hitherto polarised articulations of digital innovation as either techno-utopian or techno-dys... Read More about Understanding digital health as public pedagogy : a critical framework.

Interactions of gold nanoparticles with a phospholipid monolayer membrane on mercury (2014)
Journal Article
Gordillo, G., Krpetic, Z., & Brust, M. (2014). Interactions of gold nanoparticles with a phospholipid monolayer membrane on mercury. ACS nano, 8(6), 6074-6080.

It is demonstrated that a compact monolayer of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine adsorbed to a hanging mercury drop electrode can serve as a simple electrochemical model system to study biomembrane penetration by gold nanoparticles. The hydrog... Read More about Interactions of gold nanoparticles with a phospholipid monolayer membrane on mercury.

Evaluation of genetic association of the INK4 locus with primary open angle glaucoma in East Indian population (2014)
Journal Article
angle glaucoma in East Indian population. Scientific reports, 4, 5115.

INK4 locus at chromosome 9p21 has been reported to be associated with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and its subtypes along with the associated optic disc parameters across the populations of European, Japanese and African ancestries. The locus e... Read More about Evaluation of genetic association of the INK4 locus with primary open angle glaucoma in East Indian population.

Mechanisms of adiponectin-associated perivascular function in vascular disease (2014)
Journal Article
Withers, S., Bussey, C., Saxton, S., Melrose, H., Watkins, A., & Heagerty, A. (2014). Mechanisms of adiponectin-associated perivascular function in vascular disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 34(8), 1637-42.

The concept that fat cells could influence the circulation and indeed cardiac function has been in existence for ≥20 years and has gained a wide interest and no less excitement as evidence has accrued to suggest that such effects may be profound enou... Read More about Mechanisms of adiponectin-associated perivascular function in vascular disease.

Formation of thick aminophenyl films from aminobenzenediazonium ion in the absence of a reduction source (2014)
Journal Article
Simons, B., Lehr, J., Garrett, D., & Downard, A. (2014). Formation of thick aminophenyl films from aminobenzenediazonium ion in the absence of a reduction source. Langmuir, 30(17), 4989-4996.

Aminophenyl films, electrografted to conducting substrates from a solution of the corresponding diazonium ion, are a useful platform for building up functional surfaces. In our hands, reproducible preparation of aminophenyl films via electrografting... Read More about Formation of thick aminophenyl films from aminobenzenediazonium ion in the absence of a reduction source.

Increased susceptibility to Trichuris muris infection and exacerbation of colitis in Mdr1a-/- mice (2014)
Journal Article
exacerbation of colitis in Mdr1a-/- mice. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(7), 1797-1806.

AIM: To investigate the influence of Trichuris muris (T.
muris ) infection in a mouse model of genetic susceptibility
to inflammatory bowel disease, Mdr1a-/-.
METHODS: Mdr1a-/- mice were housed under specific
pathogen free conditions to slow the... Read More about Increased susceptibility to Trichuris muris infection and exacerbation of colitis in Mdr1a-/- mice.

Toxoplasma gondii: Prevalence in species and genotypes of British bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus) (2014)
Journal Article
Dodd, N. S., Lord, J. S., Jehle, R., Parker, S., Parker, F., Brooks, D. R., & Hide, G. (2014). Toxoplasma gondii: Prevalence in species and genotypes of British bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus). Experimental Parasitology, 139, 6-11.

Few studies have investigated Toxoplasma gondii infections in bat populations and none have reported its
presence in protected British bat species. Using a collection of dead/euthanased bats collected from Lancashire,
UK, two species of bats (Pipis... Read More about Toxoplasma gondii: Prevalence in species and genotypes of British bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus).