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Label-free capacitive diagnostics : exploiting local redox probe state occupancy (2014)
Journal Article
Lehr, J., Fernandes, F., Bueno, P., & Davis, J. (2014). Label-free capacitive diagnostics : exploiting local redox probe state occupancy. Analytical Chemistry, 86(5), 2559-2564.

An electrode surface confined redox group contributes to a substantial potential-dependent interfacial charging that can be sensitively probed and frequency-resolved by impedance-derived capacitance spectroscopy. In utilizing the sensitivity of this... Read More about Label-free capacitive diagnostics : exploiting local redox probe state occupancy.

Colloidal interactions induced by overlap of mixed protein+polysaccharide interfacial layers (2014)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, R., & Akinshina, A. (2014). Colloidal interactions induced by overlap of mixed protein+polysaccharide interfacial layers. Food Hydrocolloids, 42(Part 1), 106-117.

Colloidal interaction potentials induced by the overlap of mixed protein + polysaccharide interfacial layers, formed solely as a result of electrostatic attraction between these two biopolymers, have been calculated using the Self Consistent Field Th... Read More about Colloidal interactions induced by overlap of mixed protein+polysaccharide interfacial layers.

Catabolic cancer-associated fibroblasts transfer energy and biomass to anabolic cancer cells, fueling tumor growth (2014)
Journal Article
Martinez-Outschoorn, U., Lisanti, M., & Sotgia, F. (2014). Catabolic cancer-associated fibroblasts transfer energy and biomass to anabolic cancer cells, fueling tumor growth. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 25, 47-60.

Fibroblasts are the most abundant “non-cancerous” cells in tumors. However, it remains largely
unknown how these cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) promote tumor growth and metastasis, driving
chemotherapy resistance and poor clinical outcome. Th... Read More about Catabolic cancer-associated fibroblasts transfer energy and biomass to anabolic cancer cells, fueling tumor growth.