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In vivo tendon mechanical and structural properties : adaptability and influencing factors (2009)
Burgess, K. In vivo tendon mechanical and structural properties : adaptability and influencing factors. (Thesis). University of Salford

The central aim of this thesis was to expand on the current knowledge of factors which influence human tendon properties.
It is shown here that tendon elongation is 72% greater and calculated tendon stiffness 43% (p<0.05) lower when determined durin...

Prospective observational study of postoperative epidural analgesia for major abdominal surgery (2009)
Duncan, F. Prospective observational study of postoperative epidural analgesia for major abdominal surgery. (Thesis). University of Salford

The number of surgical procedures is increasing worldwide. The Audit Commission set a target that only 5% of patients should experience severe post-operative pain.
Major abdominal surgery is a cause of severe post-operative pain. Epidural analgesia... Read More about Prospective observational study of postoperative epidural analgesia for major abdominal surgery.