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Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues (2014)
Journal Article
Cooper, A., Coffey, M., & Dugdill, L. (2014). Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues. Pragmatic and Observational Research, 5, 43-51.

Often within oral health, clinical outcome measures dominate trial design rather than behavioral outcome measures, and often there is a reliance on proxy self-reporting of children’s behavior with no corroboration through triangulation of measures. T... Read More about Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues.

We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education (2014)
Book Chapter
Condie, J., & Cooper, A. (2014). We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education. In K. Woodfield (Ed.), Social Media in Social Research : Blogs on Blurring the Boundaries. NatCen Social Research

Book summary: Social Media in Social Research: Blogs on Blurring the Boundaries, is a collection of blogs drawing together the experiences and expertise of over 50 contributors and members of the New Social Media, New Social Science? online community... Read More about We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education.