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A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, P., Stones, S., & Smith, L. (2014). A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(sup 2), S25-S26.

Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions (2014)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Waterman, R., & Smith, L. (2015). Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 25(1), 100-106.

Due to the versatility of the press-up it is a popular upper extremity strengthening and rehabilitation
exercise. Press-up programmes are often progressed by increasing weight-bearing load and using unstable
bases of support. Despite the popularity... Read More about Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions.