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We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education (2014)
Book Chapter
Condie, J., & Cooper, A. (2014). We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education. In K. Woodfield (Ed.), Social Media in Social Research : Blogs on Blurring the Boundaries. NatCen Social Research

Book summary: Social Media in Social Research: Blogs on Blurring the Boundaries, is a collection of blogs drawing together the experiences and expertise of over 50 contributors and members of the New Social Media, New Social Science? online community... Read More about We are all @salfordpsych : the rotation curation approach and Twitter as a learning tool in higher education.

Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people (2014)
Book Chapter
Adi, M., & Roberts, D. (2014). Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people. In A. Brooks, S. Brahnam, & L. Jain (Eds.), Technologies of Inclusive Well-Being: Serious Games, Alternative Realities, and Play Therapy (261-285). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

While traditionally associated with stability, sturdiness and anchoring, architecture is more than a container protecting from the elements. It is a place that influences state of mind and productivity of those within it. On the doorstep of adaptive... Read More about Using virtual environments to test the effects of life like architecture on people.