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Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience? (2014)
Journal Article
Eachus, P. (2014). Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience?. Procedia Economics and Finance, 18, 345-351.

Resilience is an interesting concept in that it can be applied in similar, but different, ways in a variety of contexts. In this paper I look at the different meanings for the concept with a particular focus on individual resilience examined from a p... Read More about Community resilience : is it greater than the sum of the parts of individual resilience?.

Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group (2014)
Journal Article
Robinson, L. (2014). Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40(4), 466-485.

This study used Grounded Theory methodology to investigate whether learning in a Problem Based Learning (PBL) group was influenced by student demographic diversity. Data comprised observations, in the form of video footage, of one first year PBL grou... Read More about Age difference and face-saving in an inter-generational problem based learning group.

Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography (2014)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J., Murphy, F., Robinson, L., Newton-Hughes, A., & Hogg, P. (2015). Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography. Radiography, 21(4), 364-369.

Objective: Breast compression decreases radiation dose and reduces potential for motion and geometric unsharpness, yet there is variability in applied compression force within and between some centres. This article explores the problem solving proces... Read More about Breast compression - an exploration of problem solving and decision making in mammography.

AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses (2014)
Journal Article
Davey, E., & England, A. (2015). AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses. Radiography, 21(2), 188 - 196.

Purpose: Radiological imaging examinations must be optimised in order to ensure that the radiation dose is kept as low as reasonably possible (ALARP). The aim of this study was to compare anteroposterior (AP) and posteroanterior (PA) projections of... Read More about AP versus PA positioning in lumbar spine computed radiography : Image quality and individual organ doses.

Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues (2014)
Journal Article
Cooper, A., Coffey, M., & Dugdill, L. (2014). Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues. Pragmatic and Observational Research, 5, 43-51.

Often within oral health, clinical outcome measures dominate trial design rather than behavioral outcome measures, and often there is a reliance on proxy self-reporting of children’s behavior with no corroboration through triangulation of measures. T... Read More about Challenges in designing, conducting, and reporting oral health behavioral intervention studies in primary school age children : methodological issues.

A comparison of maximal power clean performances performed from the floor, knee and mid-thigh (2014)
Journal Article
Kelly, J., McMahon, J., & Comfort, P. (2014). A comparison of maximal power clean performances performed from the floor, knee and mid-thigh. Journal of trainology, 3(2), 53-56.

Objectives: This study aimed to compare one repetition maximum (1RM) power clean performances, performed from the floor, the knee and from mid-thigh, to determine the differences between variations. Design and Methods: Using a within subjects repeate... Read More about A comparison of maximal power clean performances performed from the floor, knee and mid-thigh.

Paper 2: Conceptualizing the transition from advanced to consultant practitioner: Role clarity, self-perception, and adjustment (2014)
Journal Article
Hardy, M., & Nightingale, J. (2014). Paper 2: Conceptualizing the transition from advanced to consultant practitioner: Role clarity, self-perception, and adjustment. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 45, 365-372.

Background: Interest in the influence of emotions on behaviour, decision making, and leadership has accelerated over the last decade. Despite this, the influence of emotions on career advancement and behaviour within radiography and radiotherapy has... Read More about Paper 2: Conceptualizing the transition from advanced to consultant practitioner: Role clarity, self-perception, and adjustment.

Movement of the human foot in 100 pain free individuals aged 18–45 : implications for understanding normal foot function (2014)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Jarvis, H., Jones, R., Bowden, P., & Liu, A. (2014). Movement of the human foot in 100 pain free individuals aged 18–45 : implications for understanding normal foot function. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 7(51),

Understanding motion in the normal healthy foot is a prerequisite for understanding the effects of pathology and thereafter setting targets for interventions. Quality foot kinematic data from healthy feet will also assist the development... Read More about Movement of the human foot in 100 pain free individuals aged 18–45 : implications for understanding normal foot function.

A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, P., Stones, S., & Smith, L. (2014). A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(sup 2), S25-S26.

An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being. (2014)
Journal Article
Washington, E., & Williams, A. (2016). An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 40(1), 44-50.

Study Design
A qualitative study utilising an iterative approach in line with the philosophy of interpretive phenomenology.
Amputation is a life-changing event accompanied by challenges for the affected person with time-dependent depres... Read More about An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being..

A new health services platform for patient centred and personalised care (2014)
Journal Article
Ali, S., Schulte, A., Pope, R., & Muir, D. (2014). A new health services platform for patient centred and personalised care. BMJ, 349,

We fully support Bisognano and Schummers’s well presented and timely article. The 2002 Wanless report made us realise that without a change in approach the NHS would become financially challenged and that we needed a way to engage patients. We decide... Read More about A new health services platform for patient centred and personalised care.

True cadence and step accumulation are not equivalent : the effect of intermittent claudication on free-living cadence (2014)
Journal Article
Stansfield, B., Clarke, C., Dall, P., Godwin, R., Holdsworth, R., & Granat, M. (2015). True cadence and step accumulation are not equivalent : the effect of intermittent claudication on free-living cadence. Gait & Posture, 41(2), 414-419.

‘True cadence’ is the rate of stepping during the period of stepping. ‘Step accumulation’ is the steps
within an epoch of time (e.g. 1 min). These terms have been used interchangeably in the literature. These
outcomes are compared within a populati... Read More about True cadence and step accumulation are not equivalent : the effect of intermittent claudication on free-living cadence.

Extra patient movement during mammographic imaging : an experimental study (2014)
Journal Article
an experimental study. British Journal of Radiology, 87(1044),

Objectives: To determine if movement external to the patient occurring during mammography may be a source of image blur. Methods: Four mammography machines with seven flexible and nine fixed paddles were evaluated. In the first stage, movement at the... Read More about Extra patient movement during mammographic imaging : an experimental study.

Objective assessment of intensity categorization of the previous day physical activity recall questionnaire in 11–13 year old children (2014)
Journal Article
McBrearty, D., McCrorie, P., Granat, M., Duncan, E., & Stansfield, B. (2014). Objective assessment of intensity categorization of the previous day physical activity recall questionnaire in 11–13 year old children. Physiological Measurement, 35(11), 2329-2342.

The Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR) self-report questionnaire asks children to categories their time in 30 min blocks under activity codes and activity intensity (ActInt). Text and visual descriptors of ActInt are used which include pos... Read More about Objective assessment of intensity categorization of the previous day physical activity recall questionnaire in 11–13 year old children.

Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions (2014)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Waterman, R., & Smith, L. (2015). Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 25(1), 100-106.

Due to the versatility of the press-up it is a popular upper extremity strengthening and rehabilitation
exercise. Press-up programmes are often progressed by increasing weight-bearing load and using unstable
bases of support. Despite the popularity... Read More about Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions.

Pilot study demonstrating that sole mechanosensitivity can be affected by insole use (2014)
Journal Article
Vie, B., Nester, C., Porte, L., Behr, M., Weber, J., & Jammes, Y. (2015). Pilot study demonstrating that sole mechanosensitivity can be affected by insole use. Gait & Posture, 41(1), 263-268.

Insoles are known to alter plantar loads and thus plantar sensory input. We therefore hypothesised that plantar somatosensory sensation could be modified over time by use of hard metatarsal pads. A sample of 12 healthy female participants was randoml... Read More about Pilot study demonstrating that sole mechanosensitivity can be affected by insole use.

Joint protection and hand exercises for hand osteoarthritis: an economic evaluation comparing methods for the analysis of factorial data (2014)
Journal Article

Objectives: Evidence regarding the cost-effectiveness of joint protection and hand exercises for the management of hand osteoarthritis (OA) is not well established. The primary aim of this study is to assess the cost-effectiveness (cost-utility) of... Read More about Joint protection and hand exercises for hand osteoarthritis: an economic evaluation comparing methods for the analysis of factorial data.

Data logger device applicability for wheelchair tennis court movement (2014)
Journal Article
Sindall, P., Lenton, J., Cooper, R. A., Tolfrey, K., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. (2015). Data logger device applicability for wheelchair tennis court movement. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(5), 527.

Assessment of movement logging devices is required to ensure suitability for the determination of court-movement variables during competitive sports performance and allow for practical recommendations to be made. Hence, the purpose was to examine whe... Read More about Data logger device applicability for wheelchair tennis court movement.