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Returning from out of area placements : the impact on quality of life for people with learning disabilities (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Hughes, M., McGarry, J., Westbrook, J., Williams, D., Dubrow-Marshall, L., & Cassidy, S. (2014, October). Returning from out of area placements : the impact on quality of life for people with learning disabilities. Poster presented at The Challenging Behaviours National Strategy Group Annual Conference, London

The purpose of this study was to explore quality of life issues for people with learning disabilities in both out-of-area and Salford community living. The study utilised a repeated measures design, in which the triangulation of qualitative and quant... Read More about Returning from out of area placements : the impact on quality of life for people with learning disabilities.

Emotion affects prefrontal cortex activity during cognitive task performance: A change blindness functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Bendall, R., & Thompson, C. (2014, September). Emotion affects prefrontal cortex activity during cognitive task performance: A change blindness functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Poster presented at British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Scientific Meeting, York

Research is increasingly demonstrating that emotional processes interact with our cognitions and that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is heavily involved during such
tasks. Higher naturalistic negative mood is related to reduced PFC activity during wor... Read More about Emotion affects prefrontal cortex activity during cognitive task performance: A change blindness functional near-infrared spectroscopy study..

Later life widowhood and loneliness (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Collins, T. (2014, June). Later life widowhood and loneliness. Presented at Campaign to End Loneliness Research Hub meeting, Lothian Chambers, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Christmas in later life : the experience of older widows (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Collins, T. (2014, February). Christmas in later life : the experience of older widows. Presented at Understanding Loneliness: the challenge of Christmas, Independent Age and Campaign to End Loneliness, Friends House, Euston London, United Kingdom