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The development of contour processing : evidence from physiology and psychophysics (2014)
Journal Article
Taylor, G., Hipp, D., Moser, A., Dickerson, K., & Gerhardstein, P. (2014). The development of contour processing : evidence from physiology and psychophysics. Frontiers in Psychology, 5,

Object perception and pattern vision depend fundamentally upon the extraction of contours from the visual environment. In adulthood, contour or edge-level processing is supported by the Gestalt heuristics of proximity, collinearity, and closure. Less... Read More about The development of contour processing : evidence from physiology and psychophysics.

Maternally perceived barriers to and facilitators of establishing and maintaining tooth-brushing routines with infants and preschoolers (2014)
Journal Article
Elison, S., Norgate, S., Dugdill, L., & Pine, C. (2014). Maternally perceived barriers to and facilitators of establishing and maintaining tooth-brushing routines with infants and preschoolers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(7), 6808-6826.

Establishing effective toothbrushing routines using fluoridated toothpaste in infancy has been suggested as important to dental health throughout childhood and into adulthood. However, previous studies have revealed a number of potential barriers to,... Read More about Maternally perceived barriers to and facilitators of establishing and maintaining tooth-brushing routines with infants and preschoolers.

Avoidance, vicious cycles, and experiential disconfirmation of script: Two new theoretical concepts and one mechanism of change in the Psychotherapy of depression and anxiety (2014)
Journal Article
Widdowson, M. (2014). Avoidance, vicious cycles, and experiential disconfirmation of script: Two new theoretical concepts and one mechanism of change in the Psychotherapy of depression and anxiety. Transactional Analysis Journal, 44(3),

This article presents an argument for the clinical and empirical relevance of case study material. Drawing on a series of systematic case studies based in Stiles 19s (2007) model of theory building, the author proposes adding the concepts of avoidanc... Read More about Avoidance, vicious cycles, and experiential disconfirmation of script: Two new theoretical concepts and one mechanism of change in the Psychotherapy of depression and anxiety.

Regional strain variations in the human patellar tendon (2014)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Ritchings, R., & Mohamed, A. (2014). Regional strain variations in the human patellar tendon. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(7), 1343-1351.

Purpose: Characteristics of localized tendon strain in vivo are largely unknown. The present study examines local tendon strain between the deep, middle, and surface structures at the proximal and distal aspects of the patellar tendon during ramped i... Read More about Regional strain variations in the human patellar tendon.

Futures planning - adult sibling perspectives (2014)
Journal Article
Davys, D., Mitchell, D., & Haigh, C. (2014). Futures planning - adult sibling perspectives. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(3), 219-226.

15 adult siblings of people who have a learning disability were interviewed in relation to their future wishes and expectations of care giving. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse transcripts from the interviews where... Read More about Futures planning - adult sibling perspectives.

Later life widowhood and loneliness (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Collins, T. (2014, June). Later life widowhood and loneliness. Presented at Campaign to End Loneliness Research Hub meeting, Lothian Chambers, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

A comparison of field test performances between elite and sub-elite academy soccer players (2014)
Journal Article
Stewart, A., Bloom, L., Clarkson, B., & Comfort, P. (2014). A comparison of field test performances between elite and sub-elite academy soccer players. Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 3(4),

The findings of this study highlight that there are no significant differences (p>0.05) in the height (175.1 ± 5.4 cm vs. 171.8 ± 5.8 cm) and body mass (69.5 ± 6.9 kg vs. 68.1 ± 5.8 kg) of Elite and Sub-Elite squads respectively. In contrast the Elit... Read More about A comparison of field test performances between elite and sub-elite academy soccer players.

Increasing source to image distance for AP pelvis imaging – impact on radiation dose and image quality (2014)
Journal Article
Tugwell, E., Everton, C., Kingma, A., & Hogg, P. (2014). Increasing source to image distance for AP pelvis imaging – impact on radiation dose and image quality. Radiography, 20(4), 351-355.

Aim: A quantative primary study to determine whether increasing source to image distance (SID), with
and without the use of automatic exposure control (AEC) for antero-posterior (AP) pelvis imaging, reduces
dose whilst still producing an image of d... Read More about Increasing source to image distance for AP pelvis imaging – impact on radiation dose and image quality.

Is pain disabling adults with musculoskeletal conditions? (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Hammond, A., & Tyson, S. (2014). Is pain disabling adults with musculoskeletal conditions?. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 73(Supp2), 1172.

Background: Pain is the most common symptom of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, affecting two thirds of adults aged ≥50 years in the UK (1). MSK pain often becomes chronic and significantly reduces people’s ability to participate in daily activities... Read More about Is pain disabling adults with musculoskeletal conditions?.

Do Occupational therapy services fulfil the work related needs of rheumatology patients in the UK? (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., & Hammond, A. (2014). Do Occupational therapy services fulfil the work related needs of rheumatology patients in the UK?. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 73(Suppl2), 93.

Background: Before becoming work disabled, people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) experience work instability, which threatens employment. Thus, many employed people with IA are at risk of losing their job. Rheumatology Occupational Therapists (OT)... Read More about Do Occupational therapy services fulfil the work related needs of rheumatology patients in the UK?.

OP0083-HPR development of the evaluation of daily activities questionnaire in musculoskeletal conditions: Psychometric testing (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Prior, Y., Horton, M., Tennant, A., & Tyson, S. (2014). OP0083-HPR development of the evaluation of daily activities questionnaire in musculoskeletal conditions: Psychometric testing. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 73(Suppl2), 93.

Background The English Evaluation of Daily Activity Questionnaire (EDAQ) is a patient reported measure of activity limitations including 138 activities in 14 domains. It has been linguistically and culturally validated from the original Swedish to En... Read More about OP0083-HPR development of the evaluation of daily activities questionnaire in musculoskeletal conditions: Psychometric testing.

FRI0592-HPR Work Rehabilitation in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial (2014)
Journal Article
Hammond, A., Prior, Y., O'Brien, R., Woodbridge, S., & Radford, K. (2014). FRI0592-HPR Work Rehabilitation in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 73(Suppl), 1209.

Background Work problems are common in people with inflammatory arthritis (IA): with 28-40% of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) stopping work in 5y of diagnosis. There is little research into effectiveness of job retention vocational rehabilitat... Read More about FRI0592-HPR Work Rehabilitation in Inflammatory Arthritis: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial.

Rheumatology occupational therapists' line managers' views of a vocational rehabilitation programme delivered to patients with work problems (2014)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., Amanna, A., & Hammond, A. (2014). Rheumatology occupational therapists' line managers' views of a vocational rehabilitation programme delivered to patients with work problems. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(Supp2), 1352.

Background: Before becoming work disabled people with inflammatory arthritis experience work instability, which threatens employment. Occupational therapists (OT) are well–placed to assist patients to remain at work [1]. However, many OTs in the UK l... Read More about Rheumatology occupational therapists' line managers' views of a vocational rehabilitation programme delivered to patients with work problems.

An audit to investigate the impact of false positive breast screening results and diagnostic work-up on re-engagement with subsequent routine screening (2014)
Journal Article
Nightingale, J., Borgen, R., Porter-Bennett, L., & Szczepura, K. (2014). An audit to investigate the impact of false positive breast screening results and diagnostic work-up on re-engagement with subsequent routine screening. Radiography, 21(1), 7-10.

Introduction: Women attending breast screening may have suspicious mammographic findings that are subsequently found at assessment clinic to be normal (false positive, FP). A false positive diagnosis is not harmless, with short and long term negativ... Read More about An audit to investigate the impact of false positive breast screening results and diagnostic work-up on re-engagement with subsequent routine screening.

Analysing data from observer studies in medical imaging research : An introductory guide to free-response techniques (2014)
Journal Article
Thompson, J., Manning, D., & Hogg, P. (2014). Analysing data from observer studies in medical imaging research : An introductory guide to free-response techniques. Radiography, 20(4), 295-299.

Observer performance methods maintain their place in radiology research, particularly in the assessment
of the diagnostic accuracy of new and existing techniques, despite not being fully embraced by the wider
audience in medical imaging. The receiv... Read More about Analysing data from observer studies in medical imaging research : An introductory guide to free-response techniques.

Which methods best predict performance? (2014)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., & Pearson, S. (2014). Which methods best predict performance?. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(6), 1565-1572.

Athletes with a higher body mass (BM) tend to be stronger, with ratio scaling possibly eliminating this effect. The aim of this study was to compare relationships between sprint performances with scaled measures of strength and power. Fifteen profess... Read More about Which methods best predict performance?.

Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package (2014)
Journal Article
Bodell, S., & Hook, A. (2014). Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(6), 320-323.

This practice analysis evaluates an extra curricular opportunity provided to undergraduate occupational therapy students. A blended learning package was designed and facilitated by two experienced educators, aiming to equip students with the knowledg... Read More about Developing online professional networks for undergraduate occupational therapy students: an evaluation of an extracurricular facilitated blended learning package.

The effect of videotape augmented feedback on drop jump landing strategy : implications for anterior cruciate ligament and patellofemoral joint injury prevention (2014)
Journal Article
Munro, A., & Herrington, L. (2014). The effect of videotape augmented feedback on drop jump landing strategy : implications for anterior cruciate ligament and patellofemoral joint injury prevention. ˜The œKnee (Amsterdam. Online), 21(5), 891-895.

Background: Modification of high-risk movement strategies such as dynamic knee valgus is key to the reduction of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and patellofemoral joint (PFJ) injuries. Augmented feedback, which includes video and verbal feedback, c... Read More about The effect of videotape augmented feedback on drop jump landing strategy : implications for anterior cruciate ligament and patellofemoral joint injury prevention.

Physical activity in hospital following total hip replacement : an objective analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Jeldi, A., Grant, P., Granat, M., McDonald, D., Deakin, A., & Stansfield, B. (2014). Physical activity in hospital following total hip replacement : an objective analysis. Gait & Posture, 39(sup 1), S96-S97.

Introduction and aim: Total hip replacement (THR) aims to reduce pain and disability [1]. However in the long term, even in the absence of pain, there is reduced muscle strength, postural stability and flexibility [2]. Enhanced Recovery Programmes (E... Read More about Physical activity in hospital following total hip replacement : an objective analysis.