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The influence of an off the shelf lateral wedge orthotic on knee loading during running (2017)
Journal Article
Starbuck, C., Price, C., Smith, L., & Jones, R. (2017). The influence of an off the shelf lateral wedge orthotic on knee loading during running. Footwear Science, 9(Sup.1), S37-S38.

Knee injuries are prevalent in sports and associated with degenerative changes to the joint (Silverwood et al.,2015). High external knee adduction moments (EKAMs), knee adduction angular impulses (KAAIs) and knee flexion moments (KFMs) have been asso... Read More about The influence of an off the shelf lateral wedge orthotic on knee loading during running.

A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, P., Stones, S., & Smith, L. (2014). A comparison of braking characteristics between pre-planned and unanticipated changing direction tasks in female soccer players: An exploratory study. Day 1. Posters – Biomechanics,BASES Annual Conference, 25th November 2014, St Georges Park, Burton. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(sup 2), S25-S26.

Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions (2014)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Waterman, R., & Smith, L. (2015). Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 25(1), 100-106.

Due to the versatility of the press-up it is a popular upper extremity strengthening and rehabilitation
exercise. Press-up programmes are often progressed by increasing weight-bearing load and using unstable
bases of support. Despite the popularity... Read More about Electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during press-up variations and progressions.

A comparison of kinematic algorithms to estimate gait events during overground running (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, L., Preece, S., Mason, D., & Bramah, C. (2015). A comparison of kinematic algorithms to estimate gait events during overground running. Gait & Posture, 41(1), 39-43.

The gait cycle is frequently divided into two distinct phases, stance and swing, which can be accurately determined from ground reaction force data. In the absence of such data, kinematic algorithms can be used to estimate footstrike and toe-off. The... Read More about A comparison of kinematic algorithms to estimate gait events during overground running.

The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing (2013)
Journal Article
Price, C., Smith, L., Graham-Smith, P., & Jones, R. (2013). The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing. Footwear Science, 5(3), 147-154.

Purpose: Unstable footwear lacks peer-review published research to support concepts and claims. The present study was therefore undertaken to quantify and compare the effect of commercially available unstable sandals on single-leg balance in a health... Read More about The effect of unstable sandals on single-leg standing.